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India Infrastructure Facility (IIF)


The India Infrastructure Facility (IIF) is a $2.45 billion special delegated line of credit that will allow eight Indian financial institutions to provide dollar-denominated loans for infrastructure projects throughout India. Such sectors of infrastructure include power and renewable energy generation, oil and gas development, small aircraft, airport development and health care.

Transactions brought to Ex-Im Bank under the new IIF will receive expedited handling—approximately 10 days for medium-term transactions and approximately six weeks for long-term financing applications.

The facility received the approval by the Board of Directors on April 16, 2008.

Download and view:
India Infrastructure Facility flyer PDF

India Infrastructure Facility Factsheet PDF

Terms of the IIF

How To Take Advantage of the IIF

Indian Financial Institution Participants PDF

Master Guarantee Agreement (MGA) Commercial Lenders PDF

  • ABN Amro
  • Barclay’s Capital
  • BNP Paribas
  • Citi
  • Deutsche Bank
  • HSBC
  • ING
  • JPMorgan
  • M&T Bank
  • Standard Chartered
  • TD Bank
  • UPS Capital
  • Wells Fargo HSBC Trade Bank

Additional Materials

Brochure PDF logo

Last Updated: September 29, 2008





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