The CAP Channel website was created to meet the multimedia needs of the Civil Air Patrol membership.  It is a multimedia site dedicated to highlighting Civil Air Patrol's role in serving communities throughout America through videos on demand, live web streaming, pictures, presentations and general multimedia needs.

Click the picture above to see the 2008 NCC Video!

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Name: C/Tsgt JMeyer
Date: 01/07/09
Message: thanks

Name: Lt Nancy Haas
Date: 01/06/09
Message: I am the Recruiter for the Western New York Group 024 of the Civil Air Patrol. Often I refer to these pages to increase my knowledge of CAP CAPabilities that I am constantly sharing with agencies and organizations I connect with while recruiting.

Name: 1stsgt Allen
Date: 01/05/09
Message: my sq uses this cap site to the advatiages of lerning about whats going on in the world today...sorry about the spelling

Name: 1stsgt Allen
Date: 01/05/09
Message: this site gives my cadet a great lock at what to do in the everyday cadet life. thanks

Name: C/SSgt Santoyo,Rodolfo
Date: 01/01/09
Message: This site is so cool! Cap is the best

Name: Dominic Wagner
Date: 12/31/08
Message: this Site is so cool

Name: Anonymous
Date: 12/20/08
Message: Right On Website! Holiday Greetings!

Name: Joshua VanGelder
Date: 12/12/08
Message: Awesome website! Delete is spelled wrong in the instructions on how to delete a photo for photo I.D. ;) Keep up the good work. Hoorah!

Name: C/Ssgt Cook
Date: 11/25/08
Message: This is a really great website. It has so much information in it! I will defenitely be using it a lot-not to mention, I'll tell my fellow Cadets about it. Keep it up guys!!

Name: Mason Hammack
Date: 11/20/08
Message: It has been an honor to be with Civil Air Patrol

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