Cutting-edge research in climate, ocean and fishery sciences


Around the Americas home pageAround the Americas Voyage is Underway
Read the crew log»

JISAO's Joe Resing, chief scientist in Southwest Pacific Cruise Studying Neovolcanic Activity
Read the mission blog»

A leader in the environmental sciences, the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean is a Cooperative Institute between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Washington that fosters collaborative research on a broad range of global and regional topics of concern and interest to the public. JISAO's mission and educational and research goals are closely aligned with those of NOAA and UW.

Learn more about JISAO

JISAO's 2009 Annual Report»
Report archive»


JISAO Climate Impacts Group
| UW College of the Environment | NOAA Cooperative Institutes