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The Office of General Counsel
for Natural Resources

Please note that some restoration plans may be included or attached to Consent Decrees and Settlement Agreements and may not be included in the below listing.

Ace Galvanizing. See Tulalip Superfund Site.

Ace Tank. See Tulalip Superfund Site.

Ace Tank. See Commencement Bay-wide.

Alafia Acidic Process Water Spill See Mulberry Phosphates, below.

Alcoa Point Comfort/Lavaca Bay.

  • Final Plan for Recreational Fishing Service Losses, dated 06/21/01; Final Plan for Ecological Injuries and Service Losses, dated 06/21/01.
  • Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment (DARP/EA) for ecological injuries and service losses; Revised Draft, May 12, 2000 - Recreational Fishing Service Losses; Draft, Sept. 28, 1999 - Recreational Fishing Service Losses. 09/28/99 draft Restoration Plan.
  • US and State of Texas v. Alcoa, Inc. and Alco World Alumina LLC, Civ. No. V-04-119 (S.D.Texas), 12/10/04 (filed). CD, pp.1-30, CD, pp.31-end, Exhibits 1-3 1:Location map for project sites; 2: Description of Whitmire Property and Identification of Encumbrances; 3:Marsh Implementation Plan; Exhibits 4-6 4: Oyster Reef Implementation Plan; Implementation Plan for Recreational Projects; DOI/FWS Special Use Permit (for Marsh Project Implementation); Exhibits 7-8 7: TGLO Coastal Surface Lease (for Marsh Project Implementation); 8-TGLC Coastal Surface Lease (for Oyster Reef Project Implementation)

American Trader Final Restoration Plan, effective April 2001. Citation: American Trader Trustee Council. 2001. Final restoration plan and environmental assessment for seabirds injured by the American Trader oil spill. Report of the American Trader Natural Resource Trustee Council, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. For additional information or inquiries about the Plan or to obtain copies of the Plan, contact Paul Kelly or Dana Michaels (Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game-OSPR) at 916-445-9338.

Apex Barges Oil Spill, July 28, 1990, Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment. Two files: [1] [2] Plan dated: 05/28/97.

Apex Houston Restoration Plan . See also proposed restoration projects, Attachment 1 to Consent Decree.

Applied Environmental Services (AES) and Shore Realty Superfund Site. Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment. June 2001. NOAA, US Fish and Wildlife Service, NY State Department of Environmental Conservation. [CERCLA]. Final RP - receipt pending from Gwen.

Army Creek (Delaware). Restoration Plan for Army Creek Landfill Settlement, New Castle County, Delaware. Oct. 1995. State of Delaware, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA. In four files: [1] [2] [3] [4]

ATHOS I [M/T] Draft Restoration Plan, dated January 2009; 74 Fed. Reg. 431, Jan. 6, 2009 public notice of availability of Draft Plan. See Athos I web site for additional information.

Bailey Waste Site. Final Restoration Plan, dated 01/09/03. [Public review draft of Plan (10/18/02).]

Blackbird Mine (Idaho) Appendix B: Biological Restoration and Compensation Plan (2,224KB); CD-ROM available of the Restoration Plan and the NRDA Reports - contact Nick Iadanza at 503-230-5428 for further information.

Cantara Spill. Final NRDA Plan for Sacramento River: Cantara Spill. Oct. 1993. State of California, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, US Bureau of Reclamation. Contact the State of California Department of Fish and Game to obtain a copy of this Plan.

Cape Mohican. Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment, dated 03/21/02. (2069KB). Also still available: Complete Draft RP/EA in one file: [PDF](342KB) and in five smaller files: Title through Sec. 3 (106KB) Sec. 4 (72KB) Sec. 4-cont. (75KB) Sec. 4-cont. (99KB) Sec. 5 to end (49KB)

Castro Cove. Draft FP/EA and Appendices. Nov. 2008.

Chalk Point/Pepco. Final RP/EA and Appendix. 11/02. Final Plan for 04/07/00 oil spill at Chalk Point on the Patuxent River, Maryland. 05/02. Draft public review copy.

Chevron (Hawaii) Oil Spill Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment. The Final Plan, dated November 1999, is available for download as follows: HTML version (408KB) and an Adobe .pdf-formatted version: Cover-Sec. 2 (1173KB), Sec. 3 (1413KB), Sec. 4 (1082KB), Sec. 5-8 (765KB), Appendices (1495KB), and photos (2049). The five photos are also in an html format. The draft Plan will continue to be available for download (.pdf format) at this site. It is available in two parts: Sec.1-3 (3,951KB) and Sec. 4-end (3,939KB), and photos .

City of Tacoma (Wash.) Consent Decree Appendices: App. A, Middle Waterway Estuarine Natural Resources Restoration Project Concept Plan/Sampling and Analysis Plan(4,075KB); App. A-continued, Middle WW file continued (1,523KB); App. B, Swan Creek Stream Restoration Project Concept Plan(2,228KB); App. C, Tahoma Salt Marsh Restoration Project Concept Plan (1,892KB); App. D, Hylebos Marsh and Wildlife Habitat Restoration Project Concept Plan (1,440KB); App. E, Olympic View Resource Area Project Concept Plan(1,586KB); App. F - I(2,550KB)

Commencement Bay (Wash.) NRDA Restoration Plan (Wash.)(3,403KB).

[M/V] Command Oil Spill. Final Restoration Plan June 2004. Archive reference: public draft Restoration Plan (984KB) and Environmental Assessment, dated December 2003.

Conoco (Louisiana). Consent Decree Exhibit I: (1822KB). Planned Restoration Activities at the Hippolyte-Coulee Site, dated Feb. 21, 1996.

DIAMOND Alkali Superfund Side Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan. Nov. 2007 public review draft.

Dixon Bay Restoration Plan (1287KB).

DUPONT NEWPORT Superfund Site. Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan, Dec. 2006

Elliott Bay (Wash.) Amendments to Concept Document(1,875KB) and Concept Document (Abridged) (457KB)

Equilon Pipeline -- See Lake Barre.

Equinox (La.). 11/08/05 Final DARP for Equinox Oil Co. (Crude Oil Discharge; Lake Grande Ecaille, Louisiana)

M/V Formosa Six Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment. 05/13/99. Natural recovery and intermediate marsh creation.

Fort Lauderdale Mystery Oil Spill. Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment. 08/26/02. 67 Fed. Reg. 59827 (09/24/02) notice.
Draft DARP/EA (06/24/02) and 67 Fed. Reg. 42538 (06/24/02) Notice.
66 Fed. Reg. 39492 (07/31/01). "Notice of Intent to Conduct Restoration Planning"
03/15/01 Trustees' NRDA assessment strategy and action plan.

Fortuna Reefer Fortuna Reef MOU (Attachment A to the settlement agreement) setting out the conduct of the emergency restoration activities. 9/11/97.

Galaxy/Spectron Site (Maryland) June 2008 Final Restoration Plan. Galaxy/Spectron FONSI, June 30, 2008. (March 2008 Draft Restoration Plan for public review and comment.)

Galveston (Apex Barges) Oil Spill Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment. 5/28/97.

High Island Restoration Plan . Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Jackson Ditch Project - Water Control Structure. 10/92.

Iron Mountain Mine Iron Mountain Mine Trustee Council. 2000. Final Restoration Plan for Natural Resource Injuries From Iron Mountain Mine. Report of the Iron Mountain Mine Natural Resource Trustee Council, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), California Department of Fish and Game, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Copies may be requested from: Eva Grey, USBR.

M/V Jacquelyn L. (Fla.) Restoration (672KB) and Monitoring Plan for Grounding Site, Western Sambo Reef, Florida Keys Sanctuary. 11/21/97. [Stabilizing broken and dislodged dead coral fragments and transplating new colonies; repairing major fractures in reef.]

JULIE N OIL Spill (Maine) Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the September 27, 1996 Oil Spill. Final Plan dated 04/12/2000. File 1 of 2 and File 2 of 2.

[M/V] KUROSHIMA OIL SPILL (Alaska). The final restoration plan is available as one file (5236KB) or in separate sections.The photos are also in web page format for easier viewing. Secs. 1-3 (2341KB); Secs. 4-5 (3163KB); Secs. 6-10 (2496KB); Secs. 11 (3085KB); Secs. 12 (1529KB); Secs. 13 (228). Also still available: Draft restoration plan.

LAKE BARRE (EQUILON PIPELINE)(Louisiana) Final Restoration Plan. For additional information, contact John Kern or Warren Lorentz, Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinators Office. Draft Restoration Plan.
United States and the State of Louisiana v. Equilon Pipeline Company, LLC, f/d/b/a Texaco Pipeline, Inc., Civ. No. 99-2961 (E.D. La., Nov. 15, 1999). CD-#1, CD-#2, and the Exhibits: Exh. 1: Rest. Plan, Exh. 2: site access grant, Exh. 3: Monitoring Plan. Also available: Complaint and other Notices/Motions.

Lake Salvador (Louisiana) Restoration Project , (391KB) [Located on Salvador Wildlife Management Area; Netherlands Area Project.]

Lavaca Bay/Alcoa Point Comfort. See Alcoa Point Comfort above.

Liberty Industrial Finishing Superfund Site, Farmingdale, Nassau County, New York. Final RP/EA. 8/30/05.

Louisiana Regional Restoration Planning Program, Establishing and Implementation of Natural Resource Trust Mandates, LA, EIS No. 20060540, Final Programmatic EIS. Notice of Availability of a Final Regional Restoration Plan for Region 2

Lower Fox River/Green Bay Aug. 1996. [CERCLA] Assessment Plan. For reference only: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Plan. In 8 files (each approx. 800KB): [1][2][3] [4][5][6] [7][8]

[S.S. Jacob] Luckenbach and Associated Mystery Oil Spills. Final Plan, Plan dated 11/01/06.

[M/V] Miss Beholden (Fla.) Grounding Site, Western Sambo, Reef, FKNMS Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan, March 13, 1993, and its Technical Appendix . Plan dated 08/16/95.

Mobil Mining & Minerals Company (Texas) Wetland Restoration Plan. File 1 of 2 (1309KB); File 2 of 2 (1317KB). 9/19/95. [35-acre site with 17 acres of tidally influenced wetlands and uplands and 18 acres of freshwater wetlands and uplands, near Houston Ship Channel, City of Pasadena, Texas.]

Montrose Settlements Restoration Program.. 10/05.

  • April 2005. Programmatic EIS. Exec. Summary and Draft EIS.

    Morris J. Berman. April 2006. Draft RP/EA for Morris J. Berman Oil Spill, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Mattiace Petrochemical Company Superfund Site, Glen Cove, Nassau County, New York. April 23, 2007.

    Mulberry Phosphates, Inc./Alafia Acidic Process Water Spill. Jan. 2008. Final Estuarine Restoration Implementation Plan supplementing the 07/21/2000 Final Restoration Plan for the December 7,1997 Alafia River Spill. Draft Supplement to the Plan: Draft Estuarine Restoration Implementation Plan. Jan. 2008 Final Estuarine Restoration Implementation Plan

    New Bedford Superfund Site. Restoration Plan. The Final RP/EA is available, along with the Record of Decision for the EIS. A copy of the draft plan is still available for download: 13 files: TOC:[1] Ch. 1:[2]Ch. 2:[3] Ch. 3:[4]Ch. 4:[5] Ch. 5:[6]Ch. 6:[7] Ch. 7[8]Ch. 8:[9] Ch. 9[10]Ch. 10a:[11] Ch. 10b:[12]Append:[13].

    New Carissa Final DARP/EA 01/06.

    North Cape Revised Draft Plan. April 5, 1999. Final projects, attached to Consent Decree; Appendix A: Trustee Memorandum of Agreement; Appendix B: Lobster Restoration Project; Appendix C: Use of Funds in North Cape Oil Spill Restoration Account. Restoration plan revisions.

    NORTH PASS (Louisiana). North Pass Settlement Agreement Among US NOAA and FWS/DOI; Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator's Office, Office of the Governor; Louisiana Department of Natural Resources; Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries; Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality; and Devon Louisiana Corp. See also: Final DARP (May 2005) and Restoration Implementation and Monitoring Plan (RIMP)(describes the construction, monitoring, and reporting requirements for the Octave Pass crevasse-splay marsh creation project, to be constructed in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service operated Delta National Wildlife Refuge, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana)

    Olympic Pipeline (Wash.)/Whatcom Creek. Final Restoration Plan - in four files: [1] (3500KB) [2] (3652KB) [3] (2948KB) [4] (3389KB). Draft Restoration Plan. As two files: Plan (7583KB) and Appendices (4480KB). Sec. 10 is also available as three HTML files: [Figs. 1-15] [Figs. 16-30] [Figs. 31-46]. For reference-settlement package: 11/12/04. Consent Decree, Orders Establishing Registry and transferring payments to bankruptcy COLB; Attachments to the CD: Final Restoration Plan, Sec. 1-3 Sec. 4-6 Sec. 7 figs/photos Att. B, C -- Att. B: Monitoring Plan, Att. C: Agreement for Payment of Funds.

    Pago Pago Harbor Emergency Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for Pago Pago Harbor, American Samoa. September 1, 1999.

    Palmer Barge Waste Site. Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Palmer Barge Waste Site, Port Arthur, Jefferson County, Texas. Jan. 12, 2007. Draft Implementation and Monitoring Plan for Old River South Marsh Restoration Project (Lower Neches Wildlife Management Area)

    Posavina Oil Spill of June 8, 2000 in East Boston, Massachusetts. Draft Restoration Plan August 2003. In two files: Title through Sec. 3 (2,867KB) and Sec. 4 (rest.) to end (2271KB).

    01/01/04 Final DARP/EA.

    Presidente Rivera Oil Spill of June 1989. Final Restoration Plan, August 1996. In two files: File 1 of 2 (790KB) and File 2 of 2 (906KB). Appendix I: Marsh Project Proposal; Appendix II, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Office of Natural Resource Damages and the Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife; Appendix III: Fort Mott State Park Pier Rehabilitation; Appendix IV (not available at this time).

    Rose Atoll, Draft Restoration Plan: File 1 of 2 , File 2 of 2, Feb. 2000. for Rose Atoll, National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources, The Government of American Samoa.

    Salvors, Inc. (Fla.) Seagrass Restoration (146 KB) and Monitoring Plan. United States v. Fisher et al. (Civ. No. 92-10027, S.D. Fla., 1992). 1/97. [Restoration of 1.55 acres of seagrasses in Florida Keys Sanctuary.]

    Spectron (Fla.) Also known as the Galaxy/Spectron Site (Maryland) June 2008 Final Restoration Plan. Galaxy/Spectron FONSI, June 30, 2008. (March 2008 Draft Restoration Plan for public review and comment.)

    Tampa Bay (Fla.)

    • Exhibit A to Consent Decree (1804KB): "Restoration and Compensation Plan for Biological and Physical Natural Resource Injuries";
    • Exhibit B to Consent Decree File 1 of 2 (3042KB): "Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment for the August 10, 1993 Tampa Bay Oil Spill" (Final Plan dated June 1997); and Exhibit B File 2 of 2 (2875KB): Plan (cont.)
    • Exhibit C (210KB): "Implementation of Cross Bayou Project and Salt Marsh Restoration Protocols and Procedures for Trustee Oversight."
    • The Final Restoration Plan: Human Use and Recreational Injuries, dated November 28, 2000, is now available. The public notice provides additional information on the Plan.
    • The Draft Restoration Plan is still available for download and reference. (MAY OR MAY NOT BE CURRENT LINK:) 07/01/02 public notice.
    • Supplement to RP/EA. Volume I: Ecological Injuries (04/23/03).

    Tenyo Maru (Wash.). Final Restoration Plan: In four files: Title through Sec. 2:[1] (815KB), Sec. 3: [2] (929KB), Sec. 4 - App. A: [3] (842KB), and App. B to end: [4] (813KB).

    Tex Tin Corp. Superfund Site(Texas). Final Restoration Plan, dated July 9, 2001. In two files: [1] and [2] (marsh habitat creation).

    Tesoro Hawaii Oil Spill. The Final RP/EA is available in two formats -- HTML and PDF: Section 1; Section 2; Section 3; Section 4; Section 5-8; and Appendices; and in HTML: Plan and Appendices. The Draft RP/EA is still available for download: Sec. 1, Sec. 2, Sec. 3 and Figures 1-3, Sec. 4, Sec. 5 to end.

    Tulalip Landfill (Wash.) draft Restoration Plan(2,182KB)(Acquisition) and Word Perfect 5.0 version, without figures (67KB). A Restoration Plan is being drafted for the Qwuloolt project.

    [M/V]Westchester Crude Oil Discharge (Louisiana). Final Restoration Plan (dated 12/21/01) for the M/V Westchester Crude Oil Discharge, Lower Mississippi River, Louisiana, Nov. 28, 2000 (6568KB). Also available in two files: pages 1-35 (2940KB) and pages 36-74 (3673KB). [Also still available: 11/28/00. Public Review Copy of Restoration Plan.]. United States and the State of Louisiana v. Marine Oil Trader 3, Ltd. and Ermis Maritime Corp., Civ. No. 03-2030, Section L (E.D.La., Sept. 15, 2003). Consent Decree (2058KB). Complaint (780KB).

    Weyerhaueser Plymouth Mill, Martin County, N.C. Phase 1 Final Restoration Plan. Nov. 2006

    Whatcom Creek -- see Olympic Pipeline (Wash.) Final Restoration Plan - in four files: [1] (3500KB) [2] (3652KB) [3] (2948KB) [4] (3389KB). Draft Restoration Plan. As two files: Plan (7583KB) and Appendices (4480KB). Sec. 10 is also available as three HTML files: [Figs. 1-15] [Figs. 16-30] [Figs. 31-46].

    [M/V] World Prodigy (RI), Final Restoration Plan: File 1 of 4, File 2 of 4, File 3 of 4, File 4 of 4. March 1996. Narrangansett Bay, Rhode Island.