How a Unique Child Record is Created

How a Unique Child Record is Created

PedNSS is a child based system with one record per child. Because a child may have multiple visits during the reporting period, a unique child record is created.

A software program written by the CDC creates a unique child record by first searching multiple records to find those that have matches in the following fields:

  • State
  • Sub-state
  • Date of Birth
  • Individual Identifier

If a child has only one record in a reporting period that record is not modified. However, for children with multiple records in a reporting period, one unique record is created.

The software program next selects records with valid data for each of the health indicators shown in the following table. The program does not use records in which data are missing, miscoded, or biologically implausible. The unique child record that is created may contain data from all available records for that child.

Health Indicator Selection Method and Criteria
Breastfeeding data Selected from the most recent record containing all of these data for children younger than age 2. Data fields include the following:
  • Currently Breastfed
  • Ever Breastfed
  • Number of Weeks Breastfed
  • Date of Most Recent Breastfeeding Response
Birthweight data Taken from one randomly selected record for children younger than age 2.
Anthropometric data Taken from one randomly selected record. Data fields include the following:
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Date of Height/Weight Measure
Hematology data Taken from one randomly selected record for children aged 6 months and older. Data fields include the following:
  • Hemoglobin
  • Hematocrit
  • Date of Hemoglobin/Hematocrit Measure
Other data All other data (for example, source of data, race/ethnicity) are taken from another randomly selected record.