Section VII - Keeping an Address Book

What Is an Address Book?

Sometimes it's very confusing to keep track of long Internet mail addresses. Pine has an address book, which is a list of people or groups and their associated e-mail addresses. The Pine address book is very similar to a real address book, with added functionality. It not only lets you reference people and their e-mail addresses, but allows you to enter a "nickname" on the To: or Cc: lines in the COMPOSE MESSAGE screen. When you enter a nickname, Pine will automatically look in your address book, replace the nickname by the full e-mail address, and add a real name. Here's what the Address Book Screen looks like:


Some of the Key Commands and their actions are explained below.

Add (A)
This command adds a new person to your address book. Pine will ask you three questions about the new user:
Create List (S)
You can create personal lists of names so you don't have to type in a large number of e-mail addresses or nicknames. A list can be a group of people in the same project or just a group of friends. Note: These lists are private -the nicknames will only work for you. If you want to create a public mailing list, see your system administrator.
Delete (D)
You can delete the currently selected entry from your address book by pressing D.
Arrow Keys/Space Bar/Minus Sign
As always, you can use the arrow keys to move your selection bar to different locations on the screen. The space bar will scroll a full page, and the minus sign (-) will scroll back a page.

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