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The Santa Barbara Conference & Visitors Bureau and Film Commission ("SBCVB & FC") respects the privacy and confidentiality of individuals who visit the SBCVB & FC web site located at www.santabarbaraca.com. The SBCVB & FC maintains this Privacy Policy to help you understand the commitment of SBCVB & FC to safeguard the privacy of the information you provide to the SBCVB & FC on the SBCVB & FC Website. This Privacy Policy outlines the information that SBCVB & FC will collect from you on the SBCVB & FC Website and how SBCVB & FC will use that information.

Collection of Your Personal Information by SBCVB & FC

The SBCVB & FC's mission is to provide you with personalized services and offerings designed to enhance your Anaheim Resort experience. To do so effectively, SBCVB & FC collects the following information:

Personally Identifiable Information SBCVB & FC, through the use of the SBCVB & FC Website, only collects personally identifiable information about you when you voluntarily provide such personally identifiable information to SBCVB & FC using the SBCVB & FC Website. If you do not wish your personally identifiable information to be collected, please do not submit it.

Information from the Use of "Cookies." The SBCVB & FC Website employs "cookie" technology. Cookies are small pieces of data stored in files on your computer allowing the SBCVB & FC Website to track your use of the SBCVB & FC Website as you visit and revisit the SBCVB & FC Website. The use of cookies by the SBCVB & FC Website complies with generally accepted programming standards and practices. Please note that you can choose to block the use of cookies through settings in your web browser but be advised that certain features of the SBCVB & FC Website may not work properly without them.

Use of Your Information by SBCVB & FC

It is the policy of the SBCVB & FC not to sell, share, transfer, or rent to third parties any information you provide to the SBCVB & FC, through the use of the SBCVB & FC Website, without your written consent except as required by operation of the law or in compliance with legal authorities; provided, however the SBCVB & FC may share your personal information with certain third parties ("Target Third Parties") without your written consent in order to further the purpose for which you voluntarily provide the SBCVB & FC with the information. Additionally, the SBCVB & FC engages third party information management service providers to help maintain efficient operations. Because such information management service providers may access our systems, such information management service providers may have access to your information. The SBCVB & FC does not transfer or relinquish ownership of information maintained about you within SBCVB & FC systems and databases to such information management service providers but requires these information management service providers to sign confidentiality agreements to keep all confidential information and other proprietary information found in our systems confidential.

The SBCVB & FC routinely collects, compiles, and reports statistics and information reflecting the use of the SBCVB & FC Website and information services in order to enhance membership services, advertising services, improve marketing and promotional efforts, analyze SBCVB & FC Website usage, improve the SBCVB & FC Website's content and layout, generate aggregate reports on trends, interests and behavior and enhance service offerings.

The SBCVB & FC reserves the right to take any action the SBCVB & FC deems prudent or necessary to safeguard the SBCVB & FC Website and your information in the SBCVB & FC systems and databases from malicious or unwarranted attack by viruses, hackers, or other miscreants.

Collection and Use of Your Information by Third Parties

Please note that third parties offer goods and services on and through the SBCVB & FC Website. We assume each such third party has its own internal privacy policy and data collection and use practices. The SBCVB & FC does not have any responsibility for their practices.

Changing and Deleting Your Personal Information

You may request the SBCVB & FC change or delete your personal information in SBCVB & FC systems and databases by submitting a detailed description of the desired action to the following e-mail address: webmaster#santabarbaraca.com.

Please note that after the SBCVB & FC processes a change or deletes your personal information from active SBCVB & FC systems and databases, it is possible that non-active residual copies of your information may still exist in SBCVB & FC systems and on archive or backup media.

Your Consent

By using the SBCVB & FC Website, you consent to the collection and use of the above-described information by SBCVB & FC (and Target Third Parties, in which case, once such Target Third Party is in possession of your information, we cannot control such Target Third Party's use of your information). If you do not agree with the terms and conditions stated in this Privacy Policy, please do not access or use the SBCVB & FC Website.

Electronic Newsletters

We offer free, electronic newsletters, updates and e-mail reminders as a service to our registrants, based upon your voluntary subscription. You will only receive an electronic newsletter if you have requested it (opted-in). We do not share our mailing lists with any third parties, including advertisers or partners.

Your Questions and Concerns

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or any of SBCVB & FC's use of your information, please contact the SBCVB & FC at the following e-mail address: webmaster@santabarbaraca.com.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

On occasion, the SBCVB & FC may amend or change this Privacy Policy by updating or revising this posting, with the revised terms taking effect as of the date of its posting.