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SACO-Only Members

Here are the institutions that have submitted an application to become SACO Contributors; these institutions may be members of other PCC Programs.

  • Asbury Park Public Library [NjAs] - Oct. 31, 2007
  • Australian Defence Organisation [MARC 21 code pending]
  • Bibliocentre (Toronto, Ontario) [OTBIB]
  • Billie Jane Baguley Library and Archives [AzPhBJB]
  • Concordia Theological Seminary [InFwCT]
  • Curry College, Levin Library [MMiltC]
  • Dayton Metro Library [ODa]
  • Donald F. and Mildred Topper Othmer Library of Chemical History [PaPhCHF] - May 6, 2008
  • Edmonton Public Library [CaAE]
  • Georgian Court University [NjLakG] - Dec. 6, 2007: NJ NACO Funnel
  • Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, California)[CBGTU]
  • Gumdrop Books (Bethany, Missouri) [MoBhGB]
  • Halifax Public Libraries [CaNSH]
  • Hagley Museum & Library (Wilmington, Delaware) [DeGH]
  • Hennepin County Library [MnMHCL]
  • Idaho State University - also contribute NACO records through Mountain West Funnel [IdPI]
  • Lake Superior State University [MiSsL]
  • Leather Archives & Museum (Chicago, Illinois) [ICLAM]
  • Lunar and Planetary Institute (Houston, Texas) [TxHLS]
  • Marquette University Library (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) [WMM]
  • McGill University Libraries (Montréal, Canada) [CaQMM]
  • Middle East Librarians Association [PaPhMEL]
  • Multnomah County Library [MARC 21 code pending]
  • NASA Headquarters Library (Washington, D.C.) [DNASA]
  • National Library of Sweden [SwSKB]
  • North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library [NcWsN]
  • Northern Michigan University [MiMarqN]
  • Northwestern University Transportation Library [IEN-Tr] - September 22, 2008
  • Pierpont Morgan Library [NNPM] - Feb. 15, 2008: Art SACO Funnel
  • Project MUSE, Johns Hopkins University Press [MdBmJHUP]
  • Regent University [VaVbRU] - Nov. 20, 2007: Virginia SACO Funnel
  • Saint Mary's University of Minnesota [MnWinoSM]
  • San Diego County Public Law Library [CSdCLL]
  • Social Law Library (Boston, Mass.) [MBS]
  • Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute [MWiCA]
  • SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill [NCobUA]
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham [ABAU]
  • University of Hartford [CtWeHarU] - Dec. 21, 2007
  • University of North Dakota, Chester Fritz Library [NdU]
  • University of Northern Iowa [IaCfT]
  • University of Wisconsin, School of Library and Information Studies [WU-LS] - May 22, 2008
  • U.S. Army Community & Support Library [ViAIACF] - Feb. 15, 2008
  • Valdosta State University [GVaS]
  • Vancouver Public Library [CaBVA]
  • Western Michigan University [MiKW]
  • Wyoming State Library [Wy]

Recent Change in status from SACO-Only members

  • Boise State University - Joined the Idaho NACO Funnel
  • Casalini Libri [ItFiC] - Became NACO member
  • Dartmouth College - Became NACO member
  • National Library of Australia - Became NACO member
  • Hebrew Union College - Joined the Judaica Subject Funnel
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  October 7, 2008
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