To order a flag, please note in the appropriate box the number of flags you are requesting. (The $4.05 fee is required by the House to cover the full cost of flying each flag over the Capitol for certification.) Your check should be made payable to The Office Supply Account of Alan Mollohan. Please note on the check that it is for a flag purchase. This form and your check should be sent to: Hon. Alan B. Mollohan, 2302 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515.

FLAG PRICES (updated April 1, 2002)


flag price
flying fee
total per flag
  3' X 5' Nylon
  3' X 5' Cotton
  4' X 6' Nylon
  5' X 8' Nylon
  5' X 8' Cotton

Please note the name of the person or organization for whom the flag is being flown:



Please list your name, telephone number and the address where the flag(s) should be sent:



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