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Congresswoman Jean Schmidt, Ohio's 2nd District  
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For Immediate Release

Contact: (202) 225-3164


July 24, 2006


The Ongoing Conflict between Israel and Hezbollah


Washington, D.C. -  Soon after the democratic revolution in Lebanon, Hezbollah managed to get elected to a few seats in the Lebanese Parliament.  Hezbollah claimed they were now a political party.  Previously Hezbollah had described itself as a social safety net providing health care and education to its followers. 

All along the United States and our allies continued to describe Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. 

Having watched this self-described social service entity fire thousands of rockets into Israel there is no doubt what Hezbollah is today.  Their schools, hospitals, and party headquarters seem to be very well stockpiled with the latest rockets, missiles, and grenades.  Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and that is now extremely clear for all of the world to see. 

Hezbollah started this war with the invasion of Israel and the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers.  Now they fire missiles and rockets into the northern towns and cities of Israel. 

Of course Israel is fighting back as well it should.  Israel has a right to protect herself against these terrorists.  Now the world has a responsibility to recognize Hezbollah as such. 

On September 2, 2004 the United Nations passed Security Council Resolution 1559.  Resolution 1559 demanded among other things that Hezbollah lay down their weapons.  They ignored the resolution knowing full well nothing would be done about their violation.  This is just one of the many problems dealing with the United Nations, all bark and no bite. 

While I strongly support a cease fire in the conflict, my support is contingent upon the complete implementation of Resolution 1559.  Peace cannot be permanently obtained unless those that hide their rockets in schools, hospitals, and apartment buildings lay down their arms. 

In order for peace to exist both parties of the conflict must indeed want peace.  Scores of dead, crumbling infrastructure, and thousands of rockets destroyed and still no real desire for peace from the Hezbollah leadership.  They remind me of Baghdad Bob; Saddam Hussein's Minister of Information who moments before Baghdad fell was still holding press conferences declaring no Americans were present in their country. 

Hezbollah must lay down their arms or lasting peace will never be achieved in the region.  

Those who want war will always find a way to make it if they can find the necessary tools.  Hezbollah gets a steady stream of weapons from Syria and Iran.  Those who supply madmen with their weapons of destruction are also guilty. 

The Middle East is an ancient area with thousands of years of hatred between Arab, Jew, and Christian.  Passing United Nations Security Resolutions without enforcing them is nothing more than foolish.  Perhaps one of the reasons that this area has been such a hot spot for decades is that so little is really being done about it.  We may well gloss it over, but, make no mistake, by doing so we will have avoided a solution yet again.  And we would just be buying more time until the next eruption. 

The problem is serious.  The solution is hard.  Few things worthwhile are easy.  Let us enforce 1559.  Let us give Lebanon, Palestine, and Israel a real chance at peace. 


To better represent you, I need to hear your thoughts and concerns. Please contact me at 8044 Montgomery Road, Room 540, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236; 175 East Main Street, Batavia, Ohio, 45103; or at 601 Chillicothe Street, Portsmouth, Ohio, 45662. My address in Washington is 238 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515. Feel free to call 1-800-784-6366.



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