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Congresswoman Jean Schmidt, Ohio's 2nd District  
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For Immediate Release

Contact: (202) 225-3164


August 14, 2007


Fighting for Us


Washington, D.C. -  On Friday, August 3rd, a dear friend of mine boarded an airline flight back home to Cincinnati. He is quite familiar with the flight, as am I.  The scheduled departure time is often more of a hope than a reality.  But no matter when it pushes back from the gate, we are both glad to be headed home to our families.

 We have made this journey hundreds of times.  In fact, if my math skills are correct, he has done it some 1,500 times.  However, this flight was different because I did not see him on the plane back to Washington, DC on Monday morning.

Cincinnati's Rob Portman has decided it's time to spend more time at home.  For the last 14 years he boarded that Delta flight, out on Monday and back on Friday. 

Rob was elected to Congress in 1993.  It was a special election in late winter/early spring.  I remember his bright yellow yard signs in lawns covered with a foot of snow.  I also remember his campaign slogan, "Fighting For Us."

He lived up to that and so much more.

In 12 years in congress Rob went from lowest in seniority to Chairman of Elected Leadership.  His work on pensions and the IRS affected the lives of millions.  He did it all with a smile, with dignity, with integrity, and for no other reason than for the good of our country. 

A little over two years ago Rob was confirmed by the Senate to be our United States Trade Representative. He became Ambassador Portman in Washington and around the globe. But back home he was still just Rob.   

A year later the Senate again confirmed him, this time as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.  Two cabinet level posts in two years. 

Two weeks ago, President Bush hosted a departure reception for Rob at the White House.  At these types of events platitudes flow freely, but this event was unique.  The Vice President took the microphone and described Rob perfectly.  Vice President Cheney said Rob was the finest public servant of his generation.  He truly is. 

Rob left some truly huge shoes to fill here in the Second District.  I will never be able to fill them entirely.  But Rob is a role model for far more than I.  Rob gave us almost 15 years of his life. 

We paid him far less than he could have earned were it not for his desire to serve.  He sacrificed thousands of nights away from home, missed school functions, missed precious time.  Yet, even with these tremendous costs he and his family continued to serve.  Actually, he did far more than just serve, he excelled. 

I know I speak for all of us in Southern Ohio when I say to Rob, Jane, Jed, Will, and Sally, Thank you so much for what you have done.  We recognize your sacrifice and honor your achievements. 

It all began with a phrase, "Fighting For Us".  It is my fondest hope that after a much deserved rest Rob will again choose to serve.  We are so fortunate that "the greatest public servant of his generation" loves Ohio so much. 


If you would like to send Rob a note to congratulate him, please feel free to send it to my office and we will forward it along to him. 


Rob Portman

Congresswoman Jean Schmidt

8044 Montgomery Road, Suite 540

Cincinnati, Ohio  45236


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