Official photo of Rep. Jean Schmidt
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Congresswoman Jean Schmidt, Ohio's 2nd District  
Image strip of seven Ohio Bicentennial barns.

For Immediate Release

Contact: (202) 225-3164


The Week of August 29, 2005




Washington, D.C. - In the first week of September, I will travel to our nation’s Capitol – along with my family and many supporters – to be officially sworn in as the Member of Congress representing Ohio’s Second Congressional District. It is the opportunity of a lifetime, and one I am honored to enjoy because of the trust you have placed in me.

Typically, the oath of office is administered by the Speaker of the House to newly elected or re-elected U.S. Representatives at the start of each new U.S. Congress, in January of every odd-numbered year. But because I was elected in a special election held in August, this swearing-in ceremony will be a little different. On September 6, I will be the only one taking the oath of office on the floor of the House of Representatives. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert of Illinois will administer the oath, and my husband and daughter will be at my side as I take this solemn and significant oath. Members of my family, close friends and supporters will also be present at the ceremony.

I will recite the same oath taken by all other members of Congress. As required by Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, the oath binds Members of Congress to upholding the Constitution. The oath has enormous importance, and I take this responsibility very seriously.

While oath-taking dates back to the First Congress in 1789, the current oath was drafted in the late 1860’s by Civil War era Members of Congress. Its message is as powerful today as it was then.

The oath is as follows: “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Once I am officially sworn in, I will be considered a “freshman” Member of  the 109th Congress. In fact, I will be 435th on the totem pole … out of 435 Members! Fortunately, I inherited former Congressman Rob Portman’s office, which is in a much better location – close to the U.S. Capitol - than a typical freshman office.

The next big step is getting my Committee assignments, which are assigned by House leadership. I am looking forward to quickly getting up to speed on my assignments so I’ll have the opportunity to play an active role in the legislative process.

It has been a busy first month learning the ins and outs of my new job. I am eager to be sworn-in next week so I can represent the views and values we share here in Southern Ohio through my vote in Congress and my other work on your behalf in Washington, and across our great district.


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