[News From Congressman Bart Stupak] 
For Immediate Release
August 8, 2007
Contact:  Alex Haurek 
(202) 225-4735

Stupak Offers to Help State with Newberry Fire

Offers to Work for Federal Resources as Needed

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WASHINGTON – Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) today wrote the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to offer to seek federal resources for the State of Michigan, should equipment or personnel be needed to help battle the fire outside of Newberry, Michigan.   
“During emergencies like these, I generally defer to the personnel on the ground and the experts in the field,” Stupak said. “However, I do want the Governor, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Department of Natural Resources and the firefighters to know that if there are federal assets that they need to assist them in battling this fire, I will work to secure those resources for them.” 
Stupak noted that his office has been in contact with the command center in Luce and that local officials are keeping his office informed of developments on the ground.
“This is probably the worst fire in the Upper Peninsula in recent memory, and the emergency responders are doing a terrific job fighting the fire,” Stupak added. “To the extent the state needs help from the federal government, I stand ready to work to obtain any need equipment or personnel to help fight the fire.”
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NOTE: The text of Stupak’s letter is below. 
August 7, 2007 
Rebecca Humphries, Director
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 30028
Lansing, MI 48909
Dear Director Humphries:
As you are aware, a forest fire is burning in Northern Luce County. The DNR, local responders and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife have a number of personnel, ground equipment along with helicopters in the area attempting to contain and eventually extinguish this fire.
The fire is burning in terrain with very few roads and difficult to access with heavy equipment because of the marshy conditions. The personnel are doing a great job under difficult circumstances.   They have met with the local officials and are attempting to keep the local residents informed.   My office has been in contact with the command center and receiving updates.
During times of emergencies like this, my attitude is to rely on the personnel on the ground.   I did, however, want you to feel free to contact my office if we can be of any assistance on the federal level with personnel or equipment. 
Bart Stupak
Member of Congress
CC: Governor Granholm
Jim Ekdahl, Upper Peninsula Field Deputy, DNR
State Senator Michael Prusi
State Representative Steve Lindberg
Terry Stark, Luce County Emergency Management Director
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