News from Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers  
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 Jon Brandt, Press Secretary
(202) 225-3831

Ehlers comments on death of former President Ford


Congressman represents district served by President Ford from 1949 - 1973


GRAND RAPIDS – Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers issued the following statement Wednesday regarding the death of former President Gerald R. Ford, the 38th President of the United States:


“It is with great sadness that I learned this morning of the passing of President Gerald R. Ford. Our nation mourns a good man who did not shrink from his duty when greatness was thrust upon him.


“Jerry Ford never had designs on the presidency, but he was a remarkably good choice supported by his peers in Congress when it became necessary to replace Vice President Spiro Agnew in 1973. When he ascended to the presidency upon President Nixon’s resignation in 1974, Ford served with honor and dignity, telling us that ‘Our long national nightmare is over.’ He was recommended and approved to his position by people in Congress who knew him very well, and their trust in him aided in governing and leading our nation out of that nightmare. In pardoning President Nixon, he essentially gave up any chance he had at a second term as president, but in doing so, he literally healed the nation.


“I am privileged and have always felt a sense of honor to be serving in the same House seat that Congressman Ford served from 1949 until 1973. Jerry Ford personified the many good traits that West Michigan has to offer our nation with his honesty and forthrightness.


“It was a great honor for me to serve as a scientific adviser to Congressman Ford in the late 1960s and early 1970s and I was able to know President Ford in many capacities throughout the years. My wife, Jo, and I offer our deepest condolences and sympathies to Betty Ford, his children Michael, Jack, Steven and Susan, and their families.
