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Congressman Kirk's Most Recent Blog Posts

My Service in Afghanistan

With a president to inaugurate and a troubled economy, we can overlook the sacrifice of our troops in Afghanistan. This conflict, overshadowed by Iraq, often feels like the Forgotten War.

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Saving Our Great Lakes

The Great Lakes are among the nation’s most precious natural resources, but the Great Lakes face a number of threats which could affect the long term economic stability of the entire Midwest.  As a co-chairman of the Congressional Great Lakes Task Force, I was proud to vote for S.J.Res. 45, the Great Lakes-St Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact when it passed in the House 390-25 on September 23, 2008.  As an original co-sponsor to HR 6577, the House companion version, this historic legislation implements a comprehensive regional strategy as a safeguard against further drops in lake levels.

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Joseph Sears School

On Thursday, September 18, 2008, I met with a group of students from Joseph Sears School in Kenilworth, IL. As part of their eighth grade trip, they traveled to Washington D.C. to learn about our nation’s capitol. The students and I went to the US Capitol steps for a group photograph. After the photo, we sat on the lawn of the Capitol while I spoke with them regarding some of the current issues facing our nation today. I am particularly proud of this group because in 1973, I was part of this trip!

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Radio Deewa

As many of you know, I work on the hunt for Osama bin Laden more than any other member of Congress.  According to open-source reports, we suspect Bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are hiding out in the mountainous tribal areas of Pakistan -- specifically, in either North or South Waziristan.  During my first visit to Waziristan, I stopped a truck driver and asked him to turn on his radio.  To my surprise, he was listening to a Chinese broadcast because it had the strongest radio signal and the best music.  Since then, as a member of the committee that funds all international broadcasting, I have pushed the Broadcasting Board of Governors to develop a Pashto-language radio service that America can transmit into Waziristan. 

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More 10th District Olympic Success

Many of you might have seen yet another 10th District constituent represent our country at the Olympics this weekend.  Riverwoods resident and Deerfield High School graduate Christina Loukas is on the U.S. Olympic Diving Team and although only 22 years old, she finished ninth overall in the three-meter springboard on Sunday. 

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Congratulations to Olympian Matt Grevers!

Today the 10th District honors a constituent and outstanding American.

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