Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., Representing the Peple of the Second District of Illinois
United States Capitol Building

Jackson Announces Funds For Sudan Relief

And Environmental Cleanup

For Immediate Release: Thursday, July 22, 2004
Contact: Frank Watkins, 202-225-0773

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., a member of the House Appropriations Committee, today announced that the House passed a Defense Appropriations bill that included $95 million for humanitarian relief in Sudan, as well as $500,000 to help clean up waste materials in the Second District of Illinois.

The bill, which passed the House 409 -12, is expected to be approved by the Senate Friday, July 23rd, before going to the President for his signature.

"I have been deeply concerned about the situation in Sudan since I first learned of it," said Jackson. "The genocide that is occurring there is horrifying, and every day that we delay assistance literally costs thousands of lives. The urgency of this situation calls for immediate action. I was able to secure $95 million - $25 million for refugees and $70 million for disaster assistance - in the Defense Appropriations bill.

"As many people are now aware, what's happening in Sudan is a human tragedy of the highest order with an estimated 30,000 black Sudanese killed in the last year by the government-aided Arab militia - the Janjaweed. More than one million black Sudanese have been forced from their homes. We have reports of systematic and brutal rapes of civilians by the attackers. The water supplies have been poisoned, and entire villages have been destroyed - including crops, livestock and farms the region’s people depend on.

"While the situation there requires international intervention and support, the $95 million in humanitarian funds is a critically important start. We must prevent another Rwanda. I hope we can also include food aid since the Sudanese refugees who have fled to Chad and the internally displaced have missed the planting season," stated Jackson.

Closer to home, the Congressman secured $500,000 to clean up a local hazardous waste site.

"I have a very strong commitment to a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The money I was able to obtain will be applied to the removal of Thorium - a low grade radioactive additive often used in the manufacture of military aircraft components - from Blue Island in my district," Jackson said.

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