Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., Representing the Peple of the Second District of Illinois
United States Capitol Building

Jackson Announces 2nd District Funds in Science, State, Justice and Commerce Appropriations Bill

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Contact: Frank Watkins, 202-225-0773

Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., a member of the House Appropriations Committee, announced the House has passed the FY 2006 Science, State, Justice, and Commerce Appropriations Bill by a vote of 397 to 19. If approved by the Senate, the bill will go to the President to be signed into law.

Jackson said, "The projects I included in the bill will be of great benefit to Chicago's South Side and south suburbs. These projects will provide greatly needed resources to our community for emergency services, after school and youth programs, and firefighting capabilities. This bill will improve the quality of life for my constituents."

As a result of Congressman Jackson's efforts, the following items were included in the bill:

$300,000 for the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA) Joint Dispatch Centers/Integrated First Responder Systems to provide for the expansion of the original pilot dispatch center located in Lynwood to serve additional communities and for the purchase of equipment to establish a second joint dispatch center in the region.

$150,000 for the SouthCom Combined Dispatch Center to enable the center to expand its services and service area to neighboring communities.

$100,000 for the Safe Zone Program to implement an after school program including tutoring, mentoring, career development, and computer training.

$100,000 for Restoration Ministries a youth development and gang prevention program.

$50,000 for Sullivan House, an after-school program providing tutoring, life skills training, substance abuse treatment, violence prevention, conflict resolution, anger management, and social skills development for at-risk youth.

$100,000 for the Village of Sauk Village to provide a summer youth program and a Police Department and Fire Department cadet program.

$100,000 for the Safer Foundation to provide for the implementation of a transitional program enabling formerly incarcerated individuals to successfully reenter the Harvey Community.

As a Member of Congress, in the past nine years, Jackson has secured more then $480 million in funds for the 2nd District.

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