BU Today

Friday, November 11th

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Featured Slideshow

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Getting to Know Your Neighborhood: The South End

One of Boston’s most beautiful neighborhoods and arguably one of its most culturally diverse, the South End has a rich history. Bordered by Back Bay, Chinatown, and Roxbury, the area’s...

In Your Words

  • #FlyBUQ!!!! You guys are going to dominate at the cup! We can't wait to watch you guys!

    Gearing Up for the Championship

  • Excellent piece. As a CFA alum, I knew a little about Comm Ave's automobile history, specifically the 808 building, but ...

    A Trip Down Automobile Row

  • "CEO's making millions" is misleading. Why does everyone choose "CEOs" and "hedge fund managers" as their example? Look ...

    YouSpeak: Occupy Boston

  • This video reflects a disturbing sense of entitlement on the part of the BU students interviewed... A college education - ...

    YouSpeak: Student Loan Debt


Series Spotlight

One Class, One Day

Class by class, lecture by lecture, question asked by question answered, an education is built. This is a series of visits to one class, on one day, in search of those building blocks at BU.

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