Picture of Signal Corps FlagsCapabilities Development Integration Directorate

U.S. Army Signal Center & Fort Gordon
506 Chamberlain Avenue, Bldg. 29808A
(Signal Towers)
Fort Gordon, Georgia 30905

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The Capabilities Development Integration Directorate/TRADOC Integration Office-Networks is responsible for managing and integrating the user activities associated with the development, synchronization, and integration of Communications Networks and associated aspects of the Army.  The CDID/TIO-Networks will manage the commonality and interoperability aspects within the current and future force to ensure Army, Joint, Interagency, and Multinational interoperability.  Serves as user representative for all aspects of the communications network system of systems.  Intensively manage and synchronize all DOTMLPF actions in order to deliver network capabilities over time.  Responsible for capabilities development and support of system testing and fielding. Oversee efforts that implement and update the LandWarNet transition strategy for current force network transport and operations.  Responsible for the three TRADOC Capabilities Managers, the Experimentation Division, and the Signal Concepts, Requirements, and Doctrine Division.

Animated Signal Soldier with Signal Flag
CDID/TIO   Capabilities Development & Integration Directorate/TRADOC Integration Office
PMD   Program Management Division
CRDD   Concepts, Requirements, and Doctrine Division
CDB   Concepts and Doctrine Branch (Doctrine Weekly Updates)
FRB   Force Requirements Branch
MRB   Materiel Requirements Branch
TCM - SNE   TRADOC Capabilities Manager - SATCOM & Network Extension
TCM - N&S   TRADOC Capabilities Manager - Networks & Services
TCM - TR   TRADOC Capabilities Manager - Tactical Radio
EXP   Experimentation Division