Congresswoman Jane harman - Press Release


August 15, 2006



South Bay Lawmaker Endorses AB 1381


WASHINGTON D.C. -- The following statement was issued today by Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice) in support of Assembly Bill 1381, state legislation that would implement Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's reorganization of the Los Angeles Unified School District:


"As a K-12 product of LAUSD schools, I benefited from a quality education.  But today many schools, including schools in my Congressional District, are not as strong as they once were and clearly not as strong as they need to be to serve all our kids.  I applaud Antonio Villaraigosa for making this his signature issue, and support his efforts to achieve better management and accountability.


"I have followed this issue closely for the past several months and the time has come to join the Mayor.  The goal is to help our schools run better and make sure that our kids succeed. 


"That is why I am proud to endorse AB 1381 and help the Mayor secure votes for its passage."


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