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@slpowell Hate to say "that sounds like a plan" on that one!
@slpowell Oh my! That's an interesting dilemma. I'm not sure I have a good answer to that one!
@MizFitOnline Not too late, Room of Your Own tool is launching this week. We do them every year, cool way to diversify content even more
@michellew_ Heh. I'ts never too early ;)
@MizFitOnline Hope you will submit fitness panel for Room of Your Own track! Launching community submission and polling tool on the 15th.
@MizFitOnline Curious what triggers make you think that? Would love to known and take a look at it.
@MizFitOnline Don't think so. 1 track=mommyblogging; 6 others won't be (Identity/Passions, Business, Leadership, Geek, 2 Room of Your Own)
@mama2to3girls No, but it is early bird pricing until February 28th.
@MaryTrigiani Wow, sounds cool. Don't know why I'm going to Africa next month...I should just come hang at your house.
@MaryTrigiani I assume you mean "dates"? That must have been delightful
@danrshaw whaddya mean "dumb dog"? Raccoons are scary ass animals...they will kick your butt! And certainly your dog's :)
@danrshaw Nope, no attic. I've seen a raccoon in my backyard on occasion. And I am in true suburbia, I should add
raccoons running over our roof, always feraks me out. At least I hope it's raccoons
@SKEdman Yup, we're having an issue after some site updates yesterday...working on it
@missrogue oh right, I actually did the OLPC BOGO last year
@missrogue Did you make that up, the BOGO acronym/hashtag? #shesgeeky #bogo
@missrogue That's exactly what I did, Tara, one for me, one for a scholarship #shesgeeky
@kristysf box of pasta (rotini, penne etc) Jar of spaghetti sauce, Jar of water, cover with foil and bake. Can add other things as wanted
@QueenofSpain when I was in 3rd grade, class *gerbils* died over weekend @ my house. Dad tried gerbil 1st aid 2 save them. Very traumatic.