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@CiaranR "What now?" Until a radical catalyst that forces us to return to fundamental values... not much.
@CiaranR "Wonders why @1938media keeps engaging @igorthetroll" We as a society are hyper vigilant when it comes to sexual predators.
@vruz "Some people couldn't tell value from Uncle Jed's old socks" Correct. Value is a language and SMedia celebrates Ebonics.
@JonathanGunson "@LizStrauss doesn't want our babies growing up to be @ChrisBrogan" Pot calling the kettle black.
@Aronado What do you know? Yer just some loose-cannon Mexican with web access.
@Aronado "he's just as much a *con artist* as anyone else" A con who fools you into swallowing cod liver oil is called a parent.
@musecrossing "So, I'm a dope in your book. Fine." I think you should follow @lizstrauss. It's sweet, vacuous and unchallenging. Good luck.
@Aronado "Where's the value in anything @1938media does?" He's asking all the right questions + keeping SMedia Con artist's feet 2 the fire.
@musecrossing Don't be a dope Christine. I pick on the teeth rotting candy @lizstrauss slings because at least ONE adult has to.
@MEBair "@amandachapel @scottmonty, do you need a mediator?" No. I do however think the SMedia evangelists desperately need a reality check.
@igorthetroll "UR a Hater" YES, I hate sexual predators. You are a sexual predator.
@igorthetroll "I get 10,000 Unique visitors a month 2 my blog!" Your site is a honeypot for kiddy porn you sick dope!
@igorthetroll You know what makes you stand out as a sexual predator... YOU'RE RETARDED! At least some of your followers are subtle.
@igorthetroll "If you did not think me influential, why try to discredit me?" We list predators publicly here to warn the community.
@lizstrauss As you are aware, today's the Feast of St. Marcarius, the patron saint of confectioners. He too was a sugarplum merchant.
@igorthetroll "I think people'll remember my arrogance+belligerents n implementing Social change." No. They'll remember U as a perverted pig
@cheeky_geeky You miss the point. @1938media would be the 1st 2 admit the irony of his "power" here. Says something about the medium not him
@Pistachio "What do you think is THE most extraordinary thing that's happened on Twitter?" Insiders would say their growth.
@cheeky_geeky "You should try @1938media, his life is negativity." No. Loren is ALL about cold hard reality. That's what makes him powerful.
@1938media "It's crashing at warp speed." Indeed. Some of us predicted it.


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