1997-1998 Photo Gallery

Snyder NATOSnyder NATO

Rep. Vic Snyder was one of five members of Congress who participated in a Nov. 30-Dec. 10 House National Security Committee fact-finding mission to Russia, Bosnia, and other European countries. The trip was designed to give committee members a better idea of NATO's role in European security in the post-Cold War era. While in Belgium visiting NATO headquarters, Snyder and other members laid a wreath in the Ardennes American Military Cemetery, where 5,328 Americans are buried. Snyder also visited Bastogne, where American troops were pinned down during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II until they were relieved by tanks from the 4th Armored Division. Snyder's father served in the 4th Armored Division.


        White Co. Memorial

Rep. Vic Snyder spoke on May 30, 1998, at the dedication ceremony for the White County Veterans Memorial in Searcy. The memorial honors White County natives who died while on active duty during World War I, World War II and Korea. The monument is located on the grounds of the White County Courthouse.

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NASA Administrator Dan Goldin examines an optical encoder during a February 19, 1998, visit to BEI Precision Systems and Space Division in Maumelle as (from left) BEI division Vice President Ron Roberts, Rep. Vic Snyder, Astronaut Dr. Steven Hawley and BEI CEO Dr. Asad Madni look on. Optical encoders made by BEI are used in a variety of NASA projects. Snyder invited the NASA representatives to central Arkansas to visit schools and high-tech businesses.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder visits with 2-year-old Jordan Shearin at the Early Learning Center on the Harding University campus during a February 20, 1998, visit to Searcy. Snyder has visited numerous child care centers, early childhood education facilities, kindergarten and primary school classes to learn more about the issues pertaining to the care and education of children in central Arkansas. Photo by Wayne Westerholm/Searcy Daily Citizen

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

More than 70 childhood educators, child care professionals, parents, business people and state agency representatives from around central Arkansas's attended a forum in Little Rock moderated by Congressman Snyder on January 21, 1998. Topics of discussion during the two-hour forum, which was held at the First Methodist Church Child Development Center in Little Rock, covered a range issues from the brain development of young children to the training of child care workers. In his State of the Union address January 27, 1998, President Bill Clinton announced that child care and childhood education issues would be among the top proposals on his agenda for 1998.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder shakes hands with University of Central Arkansas student Russell Gardner during "community office hours" at the school's student center on December 1, 1997. Photo Conway Log Cabin Democrat.

Congressman Vic Snyder with ConstituentsCongressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Inside a C-130E Hercules transport plane, Congressman Snyder listens to Senior Airman Jonathan Waddell of the 62nd Airlift Squadron talk about the mission of the Little Rock Air Force Base in Jacksonville. As part of his duties on the House Committee on National Security, Snyder participated in a dawn "practice drop" by a C-130E crew on August 28, 1997.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder toured the Dardanelle Child Development Center in Dardanelle (Yell Co.) on August 11, 1997. The center has an infant Head Start program that is being tracked by researchers to determine what differences early childhood learning programs make in a child's education. Snyder has visited numerous child care centers, early childhood education facilities, kindergarten and primary school classes to learn more about the issues pertaining to the care and education of children in central Arkansas. Photo Sharon Grindstaff Dardanelle Post-Dispatch.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder read to second-grade students at Jim Stone Elementary in Conway on August 25, 1997. Snyder has visited numerous child care centers, early childhood education facilities, kindergarten and primary school classes to learn more about the issues pertaining to the care and education of children in central Arkansas. In his State of the Union address January 27, 1998, President Bill Clinton announced that child care and childhood education issues would be among the top proposals on his agenda for 1998, and there are several bills pending in Congress concerning these issues. Photo Samantha Huseas Conway Log Cabin Democrat.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder read to students in Stephany Renfro's second-grade class at Marguerite Vann Elementary School in Conway (Faulkner Co.) on January 7, 1998. Snyder encouraged the students to help their busy parents by reading to younger siblings. Photo Samantha Huseas Conway Log Cabin Democrat.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Vic Snyder wishes President (and First Constituent) Bill Clinton good luck prior to his 1998 State of the Union Address, January 27, 1998. Snyder served with other members of the Arkansas Congressional Delegation as escorts for Clinton.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder and Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) visited Russia and Ukraine October 14-18, 1997, as part of a bipartisan fact-finding mission for the House Committee on National Security. The purpose of the trip was to gain first-hand knowledge of the work done under the Nunn-Lugar program (also known as the "Cooperative Threat Reduction" program), which pays for U.S. contractors and equipment to assist Russian and Ukrainian efforts to destroy ballistic missiles, to secure warheads and materials to make nuclear devices, and to deactivate plants that once manufactured weapons of mass destruction. Snyder and Thornberry participated in blowing up an SS-19 missile silo in the Ukraine. (Previous photo is related.)

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder and Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) visited Russia and Ukraine October 14-18, 1997, as part of a bipartisan fact-finding mission for the House Committee on National Security. The purpose of the trip was to gain first-hand knowledge of the work done under the Nunn-Lugar program (also known as the "Cooperative Threat Reduction" program), which pays for U.S. contractors and equipment to assist Russian and Ukrainian efforts to destroy ballistic missiles, to secure warheads and materials to make nuclear devices, and to deactivate plants that once manufactured weapons of mass destruction. Snyder and Thornberry participated in blowing up an SS-19 missile silo in the Ukraine.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder was one of 23 members of Congress honored in Washington, D.C., on October 7, 1997, in a "Salute to Vietnam Veterans in Congress" sponsored by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. The ceremony was the opening event of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. All 23 of the members of Congress honored at the event received a commemorative award featuring miniaturized replicas of two panels of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Snyder volunteered for the United States Marine Corps and served from 1967-1969, eventually earning the rank of corporal. He served for one year in Vietnam with Headquarters Company, First Marine Division.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder presented Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hodges with five medals earned during World War II by Private First Class Clarence Castleberry, Mrs. Hodges father, at a ceremony in Snyder's Arkansas office in Little Rock on July 14, 1997. Castleberry was killed-in-action in France on January 20, 1945. Included in the medals were a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. Investigative work by Snyder's staff helped the Hodges receive the medals that Castleberry earned.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Snyder talks to students at the Arkansas Governor's School on June 2, 1997, about his experiences during his first five months as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Arkansas Governor's School was held at Hendrix College in Conway (Faulkner Co.) in 1997.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder explains an aspect of his work as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives to Vital Link students from the Little Rock School District in June 1997. Vital Link students spend a week at a time working at different jobs in order to learn more about occupations of interest to them.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder listens to a constituent during "community office hours" in Maumelle (Pulaski Co.) on May 17, 1997. At these events, Snyder sets up a table at a local store or mall and invites people to drop by to meet him and discuss their concerns. Staff members from Snyder's district office are also available to assist constituents with any questions or problems they have. Snyder believes community office hours help him keep in touch with what the people in central Arkansas are thinking. In 1997, Snyder held community office hours 23 times at various locations throughout central Arkansas.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder presented Joe Glover of Perryville with five medals, including a Purple Heart, earned for his honorable U.S. Navy service in the Pacific theater during World War II. The event took place during the dedication ceremony for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial in Perryville on December 6, 1997. Glover is a survivor of the sinking of the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Wasp and investigative work by Snyder's staff uncovered that Glover had earned but not received his medals.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder talks with constituents during "community office hours" at the annual Mt, Nebo Chicken Fry Clinton (Yell Co.) on June 28, 1997. Snyder believes community office hours help him keep in touch with what the people in central Arkansas are thinking. In 1997, Snyder held community office hours 23 times at various locations throughout central Arkansas.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder visited the Little Rock Air Force Base Child Development Center in Jacksonville on November 26, 1997. Snyder has visited numerous child care centers, early childhood education facilities, kindergarten and primary school classes to learn more about the issues pertaining to the care and education of children in central Arkansas. In his State of the Union address January 27, 1998, President Bill Clinton announced that child care and childhood education issues would be among the top proposals on his agenda for 1998, and there are several bills pending in Congress concerning these issues.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Bernard Puszewski takes Congressman Snyder on a tour of the Vickers plant in Searcy (White Co.) on January 13, 1998. Vickers manufactures components for hydraulic systems and the company's products are used in items ranging from fork lifts to roller coasters. Snyder tours plants and businesses to learn more about how people in central Arkansas make their living so he will have a better understanding of how they will be affected by issues that come up in Congress.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder tries to incite his toad to a better effort during a toad race at Toad Suck Daze, May 4, 1997, in Conway (Faulkner Co.). Incidentally, Snyder's toad did not win the race.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder handed out certificates to students at Judsonia Elementary School in Judsonia (White Co.) on January 16, 1998, for their participation in his Artistic Children are Excellent (A.C.E.) program. In an effort to encourage young artists, Snyder displays the works of students from schools throughout the 2nd Congressional District in his district office in Little Rock.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder listens to constituents during "community office hours" in Fairfield Bay (Van Buren Co.) on May 27, 1997. At these events, Snyder sets up a table at a local store or mall and invites people to drop by to meet him and discuss their concerns. Staff members from Snyder's district office are also available to assist constituents with any questions or problems they have. Snyder believes community office hours help him keep in touch with what the people in central Arkansas are thinking. In 1997, Snyder held community office hours 23 times at various locations throughout central Arkansas.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder talks with constituents during "community office hours" in Clinton (Van Buren Co.) on May 27, 1997. At these events, Snyder sets up a table at a local store or mall and invites people to drop by to meet him and discuss their concerns. Staff members from Snyder's district office are also available to assist constituents with any questions or problems they have. Snyder believes community office hours help him keep in touch with what the people in central Arkansas are thinking. In 1997, Snyder held community office hours 23 times at various locations throughout central Arkansas.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder listens to a constituent during "community office hours" at the Little Rock River Market on December 14, 1997. At these events, Snyder sets up a table at a local store or mall and invites people to drop by to meet him and discuss their concerns. Staff members from Snyder's district office are also available to assist constituents with any questions or problems they have. Snyder believes community office hours help him keep in touch with what the people in central Arkansas are thinking. In 1997, Snyder held community office hours 23 times at various locations throughout central Arkansas.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder signed his name to a U.S. Department of Agriculture check during a ceremony to announce $8.8 million in federal grants and loans for a rural water project that will serve northwestern Van Buren Co., northeastern Pope Co., and southwestern Searcy Co. The event took place in the Alread High School gymnasium on Thursday, December 11, 1997. Students from the school often have to haul water to have clean water for use in the high school. The grant money and loans will be administered through the United States Department of Agriculture's Office of Rural Development.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

More than 70 childhood educators, child care professionals, parents, business people and state agency representatives from around central Arkansas's attended a forum in Little Rock moderated by Congressman Snyder on January 21, 1998. Topics of discussion during the two-hour forum, which was held at the First Methodist Church Child Development Center in Little Rock, covered a range issues from the brain development of young children to the training of child care workers. In his State of the Union address January 27, 1998, President Bill Clinton announced that child care and childhood education issues would be among the top proposals on his agenda for 1998.

Congressman Vic Snyder with Constituents

Congressman Snyder handed out certificates to students at Beebe Elementary School in Beebe (White Co.) on January 16, 1998, for their participation in his Artistic Children are Excellent (A.C.E.) program. In an effort to encourage young artists, Snyder displays the works of students from schools throughout the 2nd Congressional District in his district office in Little Rock.

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