Office of Congressman Vic Snyder Flag animation Arkansas 2nd district
News and Views
August 6, 2008
Press Release
Betsy Barrett (202) 225-2506
Statement from Congressman Vic Snyder regarding the VA IG report
Little Rock, AR –  U.S. Representative Vic Snyder (AR-02) issued the following statement today:

“For the many Arkansans who strongly value medical research for the benefit of our nation’s veterans and for those of us who know first hand of the outstanding quality of medical researchers at both the Little Rock VA and UAMS, this report is painful to read even though I had been briefed two weeks ago about what it would probably contain.” 

“The Inspector General’s report released today states that significant progress has been made in correcting the deficiencies noted and that this corrective work has been going on for some time.  On the other hand our nation’s standards for medical research involving human subjects must be rigorously met even when some of the standards may seem to be incidental record-keeping.”

“The Little Rock VA and the Department of Veterans Affairs now must aggressively prove to all of us by the on-going remedial actions underway that human subjects volunteering for medical research can be confident that they will be treated in compliance with the most rigorous standards.  I am confident they will succeed.”

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