Office of Congressman Vic Snyder Flag animation Arkansas 2nd district
News and Views
AUGUST 7, 2007
Press Release
Jennifer Oglesby (501) 324-5943
Improvements for our National Defense, Support for Military Troops and their Families, Arkansas Military Projects Included in the Bill

Washington, DCThe U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Defense Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2008 (H.R. 3222) by a large bipartisan vote of 395 to 13 on early Sunday morning.  This important legislation authorizes $459.6 billion for the Department of Defense and the national security programs of the Department of Energy.

“Our troops deserve a good defense bill,” said House Armed Services Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Vic Snyder. “This bill provides the funding to ensure that the troops and their families are well taken care of.”
Several provisions included in this legislation prioritize providing our troops with first class weapons and equipment, and supporting our troops and their families. The bill contained a 3.5 percent pay increase for active duty personnel aimed at narrowing the gap between military and civilian wages. This 3.5 percent increase was a half-percentage point above the Bush Administration's request.  This bill contains $925 million for battle gear used by the National Guard and Reserve to help forces meet the demands of overseas deployments and respond to natural disasters here at home. The bill also prohibits fee increases in TRICARE and the TRICARE pharmacy program for service members and retirees.  Additionally, the bill includes funding for Wounded Warrior Assistance to improve support services for all wounded troops and their families in light of problems such as those recently identified at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Congressman Snyder helped develop the Wounded Warrior Assistance Act earlier this year.
The FY 08 Defense Appropriations Bill also funds the following military projects in Arkansas:

University of Arkansas at Little Rock - $1 million for activated nanostructures for de-icing. This research project, carried out by the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, will help to develop a pioneering approach to provide for the safe de-icing of aircraft surfaces using activated nanostructures.

Space Photonics, Inc. of Fayetteville - $1 million for an intelligent free space optical satellite communications node. This funding will be used to complete the product development and space qualification of the critical elements of the Free Space Communications Node.
The Senate is expected to consider its version in September.


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