Identifying, Recognizing, and Learning from Effective Schools
October 14, 2004

The purpose of this series of webcasts is to communicate directly with state educational agency (SEA) and local educational agency (LEA) staff - those who guide and support the work of schools - on issues related to the implementation of NCLB. The goal of this webcast is to prompt SEAs and LEAs to think about how to identify the qualities of effective, high-poverty schools, recognize the achievements of those schools, and use them to assist improvement efforts in other schools. This webcast was recorded October 14th, 2004 and is the final webcast in this series for the 2004 calendar year.

Video Segments

Note: Streaming video time represents the broadcast duration. The streaming video loads as it plays and requires no download time. Viewer downloads for Real Player and Windows Media are available on the Department's Technology Requirements Plug-ins and Viewers page.

Ray Simon

video Real Player (4.8MB) | Windows Media (2.6MB) (1 minute 10 seconds)
download file Transcript in MS Word (20K)

Identifying, Recognizing, and Learning from Effective Schools
Moderated by Britt Jung

video Real Player (219.7MB) | Windows Media (117.8MB) (54 minutes 09 seconds)
download files Transcript in MS Word (66K)

Presenters from the U.S. Department of Education

Photo of Ray Simon, US Department of EducationRay Simon, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, US Department of Education.

Ray Simon joined the Department of Education as the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. He comes from Arkansas, where he was the Director of the Arkansas Department of Education until his appointment by President Bush.

Mr. Simon has been involved in Arkansas education since 1966, when he began his career as a mathematics teacher at North Little Rock High School in the Conway School District. He held many positions in the Conway School district, including the position of Superintendent from 1991 to 1997.

Photo of Britt Jung, Education Program Specialist, US Department of Education Britt Jung, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

Britt Jung is currently a member of the Instructional Change Group within the Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs office (SASA). She began her work at the Department as a Presidential Management Fellow, working on the Smaller Learning Communities program. Prior to coming to the Department, she served as a public school teacher in secondary schools in the Houston Independent Schools District and the Boston Public Schools.

Presenters from the Field

Photo of Wanda Bamberg, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Aldine Independent School District Wanda Bamberg, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Aldine Independent School District

Dr. Wanda Bamberg is the assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction in Aldine ISD, located outside of Houston, Texas. She began her career in education as a teacher in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. In 1982, she came to Aldine ISD to teach English and reading. In 1987 she became the Middle School Language Arts Program Director and served the Aldine district by facilitating curriculum development and staff development for language arts teachers. Her role has expanded since then until her current appointment in 2001.

Photo of Dr. Joseph Johnson, Assistant to State Superintendent, Ohio Department of Education Dr. Joseph Johnson, Assistant to the State Superintendent, Ohio Department of Education

In July of 2002, Dr. Joseph Johnson joined the Ohio Department of Education as a special assistant to State Superintendent Susan Zelman. Dr. Johnson leads the State Superintendent's Policy Council and works with the Department's senior leadership to design and implement a comprehensive strategy for closing the achievement gap in Ohio. He went to Ohio after serving for a year and a half as Director of Compensatory Education Programs in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education (ED). Prior to serving at ED, Dr. Johnson was the Director of District Support and Services at the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin. There he organized and directed studies of high-performing/high-poverty schools and districts. Dr. Johnson is the author of numerous publications on this topic and has been the recipient of several awards recognizing his commitment to typically underserved populations of students.

Photo of Dr. Linda Wallinger, Assistant Supervisor for Instruction, Virginia Dept of Education Dr. Linda Wallinger, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Virginia Dept of Education

Dr. Linda M. Wallinger is the assistant superintendent for instruction at the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). She has also served at the VDOE as director of secondary instruction, director of federal programs, and specialist for foreign languages and ESL. Additionally she has served as a French teacher and a middle school administrator. Currently, she is working closely with the Governor's Office on the Education for a Lifetime initiative.

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Last Modified: 06/29/2006