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USGS CMG M-1-98-GM Metadata

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Metadata & Data: Metadata   Navigation   Seismic   nav (GE GM)   seis (GE GM)   times (GE GM)  
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ID M-1-98-GM
Abstract University of Mississippi,United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientists: Alan Cooper, Thomas McGee. Geophysical and Seismic Reflection data (Huntec, watergun, bottomseismometer, generatorinjectorgun, YoNav, 24channel) of field activity M-1-98-GM in Gulf of Mexico - Mississippi Canyon from 06/08/1998 to 06/20/1998
Organization University of Mississippi
United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Project/Theme Gulf of Mexico Tectonics and Hydrates Project
National Plan Natural Resources
Chief Scientist Alan Cooper
Thomas McGee
Activity Type Geophysical and Seismic Reflection
Platform Tommy Munro
Area of Operation
Gulf of Mexico - Mississippi Canyon
Location map M-1-98-GM location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 30.39364
-89.95652     -88.77296
Ports leave Biloxi, MS
arrive Biloxi, MS
Dates 06/08/1998 (JD 159) to 06/20/1998 (JD 171)
Analog Materials list
Index map

M-1-98-GM map of where navigation equipment operated

Information Specialist
Alan Cooper (USGS)
Patrick Hart (USGS)
Alan Cooper Chief Scientist
Thomas McGee Chief Scientist, Univ Miss
Hal Williams Mechanical Technician
Walt Olson Mechanical Technician
Jim Petermann Electronics Technician
Larry Kooker Electronics Technician
Fred Payne Electronics Technician
Mike Belliveau Electronics Technician
Robert Luliiucci Electronics Technician
Pat Hart Geophysicist
Ingo Pecher Geophysicist
Kathy Grace Watchstander
Paul Captain
Greg Chief Mate
Equipment Used
Gas hydrate study
Information to be Derived
Geometry, structure, and stratigraphy of the hydrate zone; Reflection coefficients and estimates of physical properties of the sedimentary section.
Detailed seismic investigation of the gas hydrate stability zone in the Gulf of Mexico, using a wide range of very-high frequency seismic data sampled at very high rates (16 Khz to 200 Khz)
The R/V Tommy Munro is owned and operated by the Univ. of Southern
Mississippi Institute of Marine Sciences. The ship operates out of Biloxi,
Mississippi. The cruise was a cooperative venture between the USGS and the
Univ. of Mississippi (McGee), USGS-MMRI cruise.
Openfile report 98-506:
Open file Report 98-506
Got Help? For M-1-98-GM, we would appreciate any information on -- contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, kms of navigation, NGDC Info, owner, project number, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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