United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Vermont Go to Accessibility Information
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Conservation Security Program (CSP)

Sign Up Extension

The Missisquoi Watershed has been selected for 2008 Conservation Security Program (CSP) sign up. Sign up begins on Friday, April 18 and has been extended to end on Friday, May 30. The sign up deadline for CSP was originally scheduled to end on May 16, however, the NRCS recognizes the inopportune timing of this year's sign-up and that farmers and ranchers are busy in their fields. The extension has been given to allow producers adequate time to gather natural resource information and complete the required self-assessment and application interview. This two-week extension represents the fullest accommodation NRCS can make and deliver a program this year.

The Missisquoi Watershed in Vermont includes land in Franklin County, western Orleans County, and portions of northern towns in Lamoille County. The Missisquoi Watershed covers approximately 445,701 acres, 71% of which is in Franklin County. 28% of the watershed is located in western Orleans County, and the remaining 1% is located in a few of the northern towns in Lamoille County. Dairy is the predominant agricultural operation in the Missisquoi Watershed, where land in farms makes up approximately 39% of the watershed. Maple syrup operations are also widely found throughout the watershed. Most of these operations are managed in conjunction with a dairy or other livestock or cropping operation.

Land Cover / Use

Land Use Missisquoi Watershed Acres
Total Land in Farms 175,565
Cropland 73,886
Pasture Land 11,827
Orchards 54
Christmas Trees 291
Maple Syrup 499,721 (represents number of tapped trees)
Woodland 65,140
Woodland Pastured 11,378
Land to Raise Certified Organic Crops 776


CSP is a voluntary conservation program and has a unique role among USDA programs. It identifies and rewards those farmers and ranchers who meet the highest standards of conservation and environmental management on their operations. It creates powerful incentives for other producers to meet those same standards of conservation performance on their operations, and provides public benefits for generations to come.

 CSP in Vermont, A History

The Conservation Security Program first came to the State of Vermont in 2005. Nationally, about 12,700 CSP contracts were awarded in 2005 with payments to exceed $1 billion over 10 years. The contracts cover 9 million acres of private land in 220 watersheds. Vermont received a total of 10 contracts in two watersheds, the Otter Creek Watershed located in Addison and Rutland Counties and the West River Watershed located in Windham County and into parts of southwestern New Hampshire. On average, approximately $8,000 is paid out to CSP participants in Vermont on an annual basis.

In 2006, small portions of the Hudson-Hoosic watershed were selected for sign-up. One application was received out of approximately 9 potentially eligible farms in the watershed, however, this application was not nationally selected for funding.

Related Web Pages

National CSP Website
Hudson - Hoosic Watershed 2006
Vermont 2005 CSP, Otter Creek and West River Watersheds

Map of CSP Designated Watersheds in Vermont                          

These documents require Adobe Reader                                                

CSP Map of 2008 Vermont Watersheds (PDF, 289 KB)
CSP Map of 2006 Vermont Watersheds
(PDF, 89 KB)
CSP Map of 2005 Vermont Watersheds (PDF, 868 KB)

CSP Self Assessment

This document requires Adobe Reader

Self-Assessment Workbook (PDF, 2,198 KB)
Applicants are required to complete the self assessment workbook in full, including the agricultural operation delineation and benchmark inventories. This information is required to be completed and submitted to NRCS by the end of the sign up period.

Benchmark Inventory Sheets (extras)

CSP Contract Information


  The following document requires Microsoft Excell
2008 CSP Cost List (xls, 44 KB)  (HTML)

All Enhancements have an associated job sheet, which explains in detail, the purpose of the enhancement and requirements of the participant, including records, that must be completed and maintained in order to receive payment. Click on JOB SHEETS for a list of each enhancement with a link to its applicable job sheet.

CSP Rules, Notices and Supporting Documents                          

These documents require Adobe Reader                                                 

CSP 2008 Sign-up Announcement & Enrollment Categories  (PDF, 1.67 MB), (March 2008)
CSP 2008 Sign-up Announcement Correction (PDF, 162 KB), (April 2008)

Vermont 2008 CSP Sign Up Announcement
Vermont 2008 CSP Sign Up Extension Announcement

Related Program Information                                                         


Missisquoi Watershed Contact Information

County Contact Person Telephone Number Address E-mail
Franklin Kathy Hakey 802-527-1296 27 Fisher Pond Rd., Suite 1, St. Albans, VT 05478 kathryn.hakey@vt.usda.gov
Orleans Dave Blodgett 802-334-6090 59 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 11, Newport, VT 05855-4877 david.blodgett@vt.usda.gov
State Office Heather Wetzstein 802-951-6796 356 Mountain View Dr., Suite 105, Colchester, VT 05446 heather.wetzstein@vt.usda.gov