Audio-Visual Prototyping Project

VideoMD Data Dictionary

# Table Name Field Name Field Definition Data Type Enumerated Values
1 videomd aspect_ratio The desired aspect ratio of the image on screen, e.g., 4:3, etc. Some files produced for display on non-square-pixel monitors have a desired aspect ratio that differs from the ratio of horizontal to vertical pixels. SBCS(255) NONE
2 videomd bits_per_sample The number of bits of sample depth, e.g., 8, 24, etc. Large signed number NONE
3 videomd calibration_ext_int Indicator that the calibration information is contained within the file or externally. SBCS(255) NONE
4 videomd calibration_location Temporary location of the calibration file if it is external e.g. URL SBCS(255) NONE
5 videomd calibration_type Type of calibration used. SBCS(255) NONE
6 videomd data_rate Data rate of the audio in an MPEG or other compressed file expressed in mbps, e.g., 8, 12, 15, etc. Large signed number NONE
7 videomd data_rate_mode Indicator that the data rate of the video is fixed or variable. Enumerated Type Fixed, Variable
8 videomd duration Elapsed time of the entire file, expressed using ISO 8601 syntax; see SBCS(255) NONE
9 videomd frame_rate The number of frames per second at which the video source item was digitized. Large signed number NONE
10 videomd note Additional information or comments about the video file. SBCS(2000) NONE
11 videomd pixels_horizontal The horizontal size of a frame in picture elements. Large signed number NONE
12 videomd pixels_vertical The vertical size of a frame in picture elements. Large signed number NONE
13 videomd resolution Resolution of digital video source item expressed as horizontal lines. SBCS(255) NONE
14 videomd sampling The video sampling format (in terms of luminance and chrominance), e.g., 4:2:0, 4:2:2, 2:4:4, etc. SBCS(255) NONE
15 videomd scan Indication whether digital video item is scanned in an interlaced or progressive mode. Enumerated Type Interlaced, Progressive
16 videomd sound Indicator of the presence of sound in the video file. If the value "yes" is selected, then the video file will also be associated with an instance of audioMD (audio metadata). Enumerated Type Yes, No
