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Youth Metro Sales

Youth furniture sales are expected to reach $7.06 billion by 2020, an 18.6% increase from the estimated $5.96 billion in 2015, according to the latest data from Kids Today and Easy Analytic Software Inc. See research details.


  • Bill McLoughlin

    Kids Everyday

    Bill McLoughlin

    July 27, 2016

    When doing good can be profitable

    There's a word that should be sending shutters through the youth industry right now, and it's not Internet. It's Zika. On February 1 of this year the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Seven days later, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) elevated its response efforts to "Level 1 activation," which is the agency's highest alert level. Zika is a virus, most often spread through the bite of an infected Aedes species of mosquito, though it can also be transmitted through sex with an infected male. Symptoms for those infected ...

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  • Bill McLoughlin

    Kids Everyday

    Bill McLoughlin

    May 4, 2016

    No site, No price, No competition

    The cover story of this issue looks at the growing importance of the Internet for today’s very busy, often dual-income parents.  According to the Pew Research center nearly half (46%) of U.S. households today have two working parents and more than half (56%) say that balancing work and family is difficult. That may not be surprising, particularly to anyone who’s had to achieve that balance. But it’s something worth keeping in mind if you’re in retail because you can either be part of the solution or part of the problem. One of the reasons that ...

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  • LEGO KidsFest 9

    Images from the LEGO KidsFest

    The LEGO KidsFest brings hands-on, minds-on fun of LEGO building in an activity-filled event for kids and adults of all skill levels. It kicked off Feb. 19-21 at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, N.C. 

    The tour will also take place April 8-10 at the Farm Show Complex & Expo Center in Harrisburg, Pa.; May 13-15 at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Mo.; June 3-5 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Ky.; Oct. 7-9 at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee; Oct. 21-23 at the NRG Center in Houston; and Nov. 4-6 at the I-X Center in Cleveland.

    Here are images from Feb. 20 in Charlotte.

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