The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
August 15, 2006

Personnel Announcement

The President has announced his intention appoint six people to serve in his Administration.

The President intends to appoint John Edward Niederhuber, of Wisconsin, to be Director of the National Cancer Institute at the Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Niederhuber currently serves at the National Cancer Institute as Acting Director and the Deputy Director for Translational and Clinical Services. He previously served as Professor in the Department of Surgery and Department of Oncology at the University of Wisconsin. Earlier in his career, he served as the Director of the University of Wisconsin's Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Niederhuber received his bachelor's degree from Bethany College and his MD from Ohio State University.

The President intends to appoint Marta Brito Pérez, of Maryland, to be Chief Human Capital Officer at the Department of Homeland Security. Ms. Pérez currently serves as Associate Director of the Human Capital Leadership & Merit System Accountability Division at the Office of Personnel Management. Prior to this, she served as Director of the Office of Human Resources of Montgomery County Government in Maryland. Earlier in her career, she served as a Manager with the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Ms. Pérez received her bachelor's degree from the University of Maryland and her master's degree from The Johns Hopkins University.

The President intends to appoint the following individuals to be Members of the Congressional Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China:

Christopher R. Hill, of Rhode Island (At Large Representative)

Franklin L. Lavin, of Ohio (Representative of the Department of Commerce)

Barry F. Lowenkron, of Virginia (Representative of the State Department)

The President intends to appoint Nancy Davenport, of Virginia, to be a Member of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission for the remainder of a four-year term expiring December 26, 2007.

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