Making Schools Work Better for all Children

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 Find and link to the charter schools nearest you, plus get charter facts, figures and local resources. All part of CER's state-by-state, school-by-school roadmap to charter schools, laws and achievement.

Ohio's Charter Schools
By Jeanne Allen , Letter to the Editor, New York Times , November 15, 2007
If Ohio's governor and attorney general truly want to deliver on a promise of delivering quality education for all of the state's children, let them launch an across-the-board crackdown on all failing public schools.
5 Things the GAO Forgot to Ask
The U.S. Government Accountability Office, historic supporter of the status quo, stayed true to type with its new report critical of the Washington D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program. But you won't get the real answers if you don't ask the right questions.

Freedom to Choose: School choice is in demand from parents and communities across the country, but misinformation and disinformation persist. Get beyond the politics and get to the truth behind these Nine Lies About School Choice.
Speak Up: contact lawmakers and the media on critical education reform issues and policy.

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Recent News:
Excuses Are Not an Option
By Alan J. Borsuk, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin, November 14, 2007
Milwaukee College Preparatory School has challenged students to succeed over the past decade - and they have responded.... The school subscribes to the philosophy that when children fail, it's really the teachers and schools who have failed, and great lengths should be traveled to avoid that.
Charter Schools a Key Part of Urban Education
By Edmund J. Mcmahon Jr., Empire Center, Letter to the Editor, Albany Times-Union, New York, November 13, 2007
Public charter schools must, by law, target their services to the very children who are most poorly served by the traditional system.
Charter Schools Thrive with Multiple Authorizers
By Jeanne Allen, Letter to the Editor, Palm Beach Post, Florida, November 10, 2007
This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. Having new and additional entities that can foster more and better learning opportunities is a right that no family should be without. The Florida Schools of Excellence Commission will be recognized as a great steward of public education in the coming months.

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