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Secretary Paige Visits Schools in No Child Left Behind Tour of Rural Alaska (May 6, 2003)

Secretary Paige and Senator Murkowski pose with students from Nome-Beltz High School.

Secretary Paige is greeted by students at the Lewis Angapak Memorial School in the village of Tuntutuliak, Alaska. Secretary Paige poses with students at the Savoonga School in Savoonga, Alaska.  Savoonga is a village on the St. Lawrence Island, located in the Bering Sea 38 miles from Russia.  It is a traditional Yu'pik Eskimo village with a subsistence lifestyle surrounding walrus and whale hunting. Savoonga is hailed as the 'Walrus Capitol of the World.'
Secretary Paige meets with students in Bethel to kick-off the No Child Left Behind Tour of rural Alaska. A youth group from Nome performs a customary rendition of the 'wolf dance' before a community pot-luck supper held in honor of Secretary Paige and Senator Murkowski in Nome, Alaska.
Secretary Paige assists a struggling reader in the library of the Savoonga village school. Secretary Paige and Senator Murkowski pose with students from Nome-Beltz High School.
Secretary Paige takes a turn trying the 'Eskimo yo-yo' while Senator Lisa Murkowski watches attentively.  Students from Nome-Beltz High School in Nome, Alaska, displayed various works of art for  the Secretary and Senator.  

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Secretary Paige and Senator Murkowski pose with students from Nome-Beltz High School.