U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Secretary Paige Returns to Mexico (August 10-13, 2003)
Violeta Hernandez Martinez spends a few moments with Secretary Paige.
Violeta Hernandez Martinez spends a few moments with Secretary Paige.

Secretary Paige presents a sample collection of books written in Spanish about the United States to Mexico's Secretary of Public Education, Dr. Reyes Tamez Guerra at the kick off of a U.S. Embassy sponsored book donation program between the United States and Mexico. Secretary Paige, Secretary Tamez, and Ambassador Tony Garza mark the beginning of a long-term program to donate thousands of books, supported through Scholastic Publishing, to primary and secondary schools throughout the country of Mexico.
Violeta Hernandez Martinez, who so nicely asked Secretary Paige for computers to help her and her classmates on his last trip to Mexico in November, graciously accepts the generous donation of 17 computers, 5 digital cameras, and 5 digital projectors supported through Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and Toshiba at an event in Mexico City, Mexico. Violeta Hernandez Martinez spends a few moments with Secretary Paige.
Secretary Paige delivers remarks at the Second Plenary Session of the Third Inter-American Education Ministerial in Mexico City, Mexico.  

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