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USGS CMG InfoBank Atlas: United States, Image Metadata Skip navigational links
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Hemispheres: Global   Northern   Eastern   Western   Southern  
Continents: Africa   Antarctica   Asia   Australia   Europe   North America   South America  
Oceans: Arctic   Atlantic   Indian   Pacific   Southern  
Quick picks: Contiguous US   Alaska   Hawaii   Atlantic Coast   Gulf Coast   Pacific Coast   Great Lakes  

Description Links to Software sources
Generic Mapping Tool (GMT) (free)
MB-System (free)
ArcGIS (licensed)

Description Links to data sources
Global topographic data - NOAA's ETOPO2 Global 2' Elevations
Global shoreline data - GSHHS - A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline Database
Boundaries of the Exclusive Economic Zones of the U.S. and territories from NOAA
Boundaries of the tectonic plates from the university of texas plates project
International boundaries and other linear features - National Imagery and Mapping Agency "Vector Map Level 0"

Creating Bathymetric/Topographic grids.

  1. Create a subset of etopo2 data for an atlas area.
    • For areas crossing the -180 / 180 boundary grids, subset data from each side of the boundary.
    • The global grid is not projected or subset and is maintained in the geographic coordinate system as distributed.

  2. For the four hemisphere grids and the two polar areas grids project them into an orthographic projection.
    • Set the latitude of origin to:
      •  90 for the northern hemisphere
      • -90 for the southern hemisphere
      •   0 for the east and west hemispheres
    • Set the central meridian to:
      •    0 for the southern hemisphere
      •  180 for the northern hemisphere
      •   90 for the eastern hemisphere
      •  -90 for the western hemisphere

  3. Project all other grids into a Mercator projection.
    • Use a latitude of true scale centered on the area
    • Use the central meridian centered on the area

  4. For areas crossing the -180/180 bourndary, merge the sub-grids.

Creating of sun shaded images from grids.

  1. Use the MB-System software package ( ), specifically the "mbm_grdtiff" command.

  2. Create background GeoTIFF's ( ) for each grid.
    • For the InfoBank Atlas grids are all created:
      • in the same projection and resolution (1 image pixel for each grid cell)
      • with vertical exaggeration of 3x
      • an apparent light direction (sun-shading) of 300 degrees.
      • using the sea_land color bar (units of meters above/below sea level)
    • The InfoBank Atlas background GeoTIFF images are available for downloading as .zip files from the atlas web pages ( )
    • Each .zip file contains
      1. the GeoTiff
      2. a Projection Description file
      3. a World File
        Example World File
        Data Value Description
        5.000000000000 size of pixel in x direction
        0.000000000000 rotation term for row
        0.000000000000 rotation term for column
        -5.000000000000 size of pixel in y direction
        492169.690845528910 x coordinate of center of upper left pixel in map units
        5426523.318065105000 y coordinate of center of upper left pixel in map units

Overlaying vector data.

  1. Merge a GeoTiff image with other geo-spatial data using ESRI ArcGIS ( ) software component ArcMap.

  2. Use ArcMap, the vector data sets such as shorelines, lakes, rivers, political boundaries, tectonic plate boundaries, and geographic data from research activities to overlay and symbolize.

  3. Add a neatline, border, title, and latitude/longitude coordinates to the map and finally the map is output in:
    • a full resolution
    • a preset size jpeg image
    for distribution on the InfoBank Atlas web pages.

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Maintainer: Clint Steele
Comments: e-mail
Last modified: Fri Aug 20 10:05:45 PDT 2004  (wcs)