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ID W-1-05-SC
Also Known As MBARI T783 to T808
Abstract Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute,United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Chief Scientist: Charlie Paull. Dive and Sampling data (navigation) of field activity W-1-05-SC in Santa Monica Basin, California Continental Borderland from 02/09/2005 to 02/18/2005
Organization Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Chief Scientist Charlie Paull
Activity Type Dive and Sampling
Platform Western Flyer
Area of Operation
Santa Monica Basin, California Continental Borderland
Location map W-1-05-SC location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 34.07751
-119.27467    -118.49214
Ports LEAVE Moss Landing, CA
ARRIVE Port Hueneme, CA
Dates 02/09/2005 (JD 040) to 02/18/2005 (JD 049)
Analog Materials list
Index map

W-1-05-SC map of where navigation equipment operated

Information Specialist
Bill Normark
Charlie Paull
Bill Ussler
Rendy Keaten
Patrick Mitts
Doug Conlin
Bill Normark
Jennifer Dougherty
Lori Hibbeler
Tzvetie Erohina
Husen Zhang
Buck Reynolds
Dave French
Randy Pricket
Brian Schaefer
Buzz Scott
Darrell Palmer
Patrick Duffy
Eric Thunstrom
Tim McLaughlin
Derek Greenwood
Lance Wardle
Jim Bombaci
Dan Chamberlin
Dan Camp
Dan Benvenuti
Equipment Used
(1) Three ROV dive days were planned to
revisit USGS methane hydrate discovery on mud volcano 25 km west of Redondo
Beach, CA. and map the summit area and surrounding seafloor of the 20-m-high
mud volcano. Plans include sampling with vibracores, push cores, collecting
fluid and gas samples and collecting living chemosynthetic biological
communities (CBC) organisms. In addition, these dives would utilize a thermal
probe for heat flow measurements.
(2) Six dive days were planned in the local canyons, two each in Hueneme,
Santa Monica, and Redondo canyons. The primary MBARI objective of these dives
was to determine the recent sediment transport activity in each of these
canyons with specific attention to tracking DDT residues. In addition, the
USGS project interests were to determine the stratigraphy of the canyon walls.
Dive sites were based on USGS multibeam bathymetry and high-resolution
reflection profiles and were planned as transects across the lower canyon i
proximal fan area in water depths from 300 to ~750 m in the narrow incised
part of the canyon. The intention is to collect vibracore and push core along
transects across the center of the axial channel and up the adjacent canyon walls.
Information to be Derived
ROV Tiburon and CTD/rosette sampler (all MBARI
equipment). Tiburon will be used to map and sample the sea floor (see Purpose
and Goals above). The CTD/rosette sampler is for detection of methane gas in the water column.
Extensive sea-floor video coverage to identify benthic fauna, active methane
gas vents, etc. Sediment samples will be used for pore-water chemistry,
hydrocarbon gas content, microbiological studies, isotopic age determinations,
stable-element isotopic studies, benthic-foraminifera populations, and
sediment stratigraphy (for canyon/fan channel dive sites).
1400/JD040 R/V Western Flyer departs Moss Landing.
~2000/JD040 Begin test of CTD/rosette sampler in upper Partington Canyon (MBARI operation)
2130/JD040 depart Partington Canyon station; begin transit to Santa Monica Basin
0630/JD041 On station for the first ROV dive of the expedition TIBURON Dive T-783 in Hueneme Canyon, Santa Monica Basin..
2218/JD049 Complete final ROV Dive T808, also in Hueneme Canyon.
The Western Flyer arrives in Port Hueneme at 0110/JD050.
Refer to the Operation Log for details.
A total of 26 TIBURON ROV dives were completed by the end of the nine-day operation
on JD050. Of these dives, 5 were at the mud volcano or the alternate hydrate
site, 9 were in Hueneme canyon or fan valley, 6 were in Santa Monica canyon or
fan valley, 5 were in Redondo canyon or fan valley, and 1 was on the upper
basin slope northwest of the head-scarp area of the Palos Verdes debris
avalanche. During these dives, 55 vibracores were obtained that will come to
the USGS for MST logging, photography, and description and probable archiving.
Other cores that will come to the USGS are 30 vertical push cores that will be
logged before splitting for photography and description. Cores not saved in
their original polycarbonate core liners include 44 horizontal push cores,
which were taken from vertical or near-vertical outcrops, and several samples
from vertical push cores whose upper sections were sampled for geochemical
analyses. The latter two sample types are stored in plastic ziplock bags.
All primary objectives of the cruise were attained. The hydrate site at the
mud volcano was examined and mapped, and active methane gas seeps were
successfully sampled. A secondary site for this objective also proved to have
active seeps supporting a large area of chemosynthetic vent-specific bivalves.
The submarine canyon dives obtained samples that will be used to determine
the cut and fill history of the canyons and the late Holocene depositional
activity on their associated submarine fans.
(1) Station IDs reflect the Tiburon dive numbers set by MBARI.
(2) Sample numbers are generally not consecutive but reflect permanent labels
on coring and other devices that are randomly chosen before each dive, and
many of the push cores are reused in later dives. USGS sample protocol could
not used during dives except for the Activity ID (W-1-05-SC).
(3) Sample numbers recorded in FACS reflect only those samples that will be
brought to the USGS for logging, description, and, in most cases, archiving.
(4) Water samples collected by CTD/rosette sampler are generally not entered in FACS log because samples are processed on board for MBARI program and for Lorenson project.
Got Help? For W-1-05-SC, we would appreciate any information on -- contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, owner, project, project number, publications, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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