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Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) Official Web Site

METS News and Announcements

METS Board Member Vacancy (October 17, 2006)

The METS Editorial Board is soliciting applications for a vacancy in its membership. Criteria for membership can be found on the METS wiki at:

Procedures for filling the Board vacancy can be found on the METS wiki at:

The deadline for submitting applications for the Board vacancy has been extended to November 3rd, 2006.

Applications and any questions about this position to me at the contact information below or to Brian Tingle, co-chairs of the METS Editorial Board [brian.tingle@UCOP.EDU].

Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich
Metadata Coordinator
Digital Library Systems and Services
Stanford University Libraries / Academic InfoResources
Stanford, CA 94305-8408
voice: 650-725-6843
fax: 650-725-0547


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  October 17, 2006
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