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Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) Official Web Site

METS News and Announcements

METS Board Solicitation and METS Board Meeting at DLF (April 23, 2008)

I have a couple of announcements regarding the METS Editorial Board that I'd like to share with the METS community.

First, we once again find ourselves interested in soliciting people to join the Board as two of our long time Board members have either resigned from the Board, or moved into a different capacity, and we would like to find other talented, committed people to join the Board in their stead.

Merrilee Proffitt, one of the original METS Board members who has been invaluable to the METS community and to the Board by her in-depth knowledge of TEI, EAD and other library standards as well as her consistent and thoughtful contributions to Board discussions will change being an active member of the Board to an ex-officio position as a liaison to the OCLC organization. We are fortunate that both Merrilee and OCLC remain committed to the use of METS within the OCLC digital library ventures, and will continue to support us in a less active, but very aware capacity.

Cecilia Preston has also been a long term METS Board member and has recently contributed significantly to the community by coordinating the writing and editing of the extensive METS Primer and Reference Manual which can be now found on the METS website. Cecilia's determined, yet cheerful shepherding of this project as well as her level-headed contributions of good business and standards practice will be missed by the Board. Fortunately, we suspect she will be available for consultation if needed.

These two vacancies provide us both the opportunity and the challenge of finding Board members who have the skills, experience, time, and commitment to join the Board in its work monitoring and furthering the use of the METS schema in the digital library world. Criteria and expectations for Board members can be found on the METS website:
As well, the Mission Statement of the METS Board can be found at:
while the Procedures for filling the vacancy can be found at:

The deadline for applications will be June 16, 2008. Questions and applications about the Board can be addressed to any Board member (see , or directly to me at:

Secondly, we have another face to face Board meeting scheduled at the conclusion of the Digital Library Federation meeting next week on Wedneday afternoon, 30 March, and Thursday morning, 1 April. The meetings are open to the METS public and a draft agenda can be found on the METS wiki at: We hope to see you there!


Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich
Metadata Coordinator
Digital Library Systems and Services
Stanford University Libraries / Academic InfoResources
Stanford, CA 94305-8408
voice: 650-725-6843
fax: 650-725-0547

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  September 16, 2008
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