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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-99-88    Aug 19, 1999


RE: Updating Passport Denial Addresses

Dear Colleague:

We are currently updating contact address and phone numbers that are placed on the passport denial letter sent out by the Department of State (DOS). Many of the addresses and/or phone numbers listed on this letter are outdated. Refer to the attached "Exhibit CC" to see the most current address DOS has on file for your state. Please notify the Special Collections Branch, via e-mail (; or fax (202) 401-5553, the address and phone number your State would like posted on the letter. Use the following example as a guide.

Address or P.O. Box
City, State, Zip
Phone Number
E-mail Address

Please notify the Office of Child Support Enforcement even if there are no changes for your State. If you have any additional questions, please call Scott Hale, Technical Assistance Liaison, at (202) 401-9390.

Thank you for your cooperation as we work to improve the lives of our nation's children.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement

New Amended DSL Denial Letter
State Child Support Enforcement Agencies

cc: Regional Program Managers
Federal Offset Contacts

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