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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-99-73     Jul 15, 1999


Re: Third Quarter FY 1999 FPLS Billing Invoice

The enclosed invoice is for the Third Quarter of 1999 covers the period April 1 through June 30, 1999. Beginning with the first quarter of 1999, each State is charged a flat annual $5,000 access fee in addition to a variable fee based on the State’s total IV-D caseload. This fee allows for unlimited use of all FPLS services so that States will no longer be charged a fee per locate request submitted to FPLS (refer to DC-98-66 dated July 10, 1998). The enclosed invoice reflects your total annual fee as well as the quarterly fee for your State.

Outstanding balances from previous quarters will continue to be listed on your invoice. Prompt payment is appreciated. States are to report FPLS charges as an offset against their Federal quarterly payment on line 12 of the Financial Form (ACF-396A, Part 1) timely and accurately.

Thank you for your assistance as we strive to enhance the reporting process. If you need additional assistance or clarification, please contact Evelyn E. Briggs of my staff on

202 690 5374.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement

ACF Regional Administrators
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