TCC-04-34, Federal Offset Collections Report for OCSE Cycle 2004-14
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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services



DATE: August 18, 2004


RE:  Federal Offset Collections Report for OCSE Cycle 2004-14

Dear Coordinators:

Enclosed is the Federal Offset Collections Report for OCSE Cycle 2004-14.  This report represents Federal Tax Refund and/or administrative offsets, less the current fees of $11.65 per Federal Tax Offset and $12.20 per administrative offset, and any adjustments/reversals made during this collection cycle for the 1997 through 2004 processing years.

Based on 13,097 offsets, the net collections total for OCSE Cycle 2004-14 as of August 9, 2004, is $10,415,722.  The year-to-date total for 1,314,844 offsets is $1,404,139,243.  This compares to 1,338,295 offsets for $1,379,079,648 during the same collection cycle last year.

An electronic version of this report, along with additional detailed reports for your state, has been sent to your state via CONNECT:Direct (C:D).

The funds were transferred through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) on August 19, 2004.  If you have any questions regarding the transfer of collections to your state's account, please contact Elvis Davis or Cathy Lin at the Program Support Center.  They can be reached at (301) 443-9560 or (301) 443-3309 respectively.

If you have any questions concerning your state’s collection reports, please contact the Special Collections Unit at (202) 401-9389, ext. 6, or via email at


Sherri Z. Heller, Ed.D.
Office of Child Support Enforcement

Enclosure (available in hard copy only)

cc:  State IV-D Directors
      Regional Program Managers
      Executive Staff