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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children & Families
Office of Child Support Enforcement


May 3, 2001


RE: Minimum Computer Specifications for Web Based Training (WBT)

Dear Colleague:

In February 1998, the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) disseminated DCL-98-19, which described minimum computer and operational system specifications needed to use the six Computer Based Training (CBT) courses that OCSE developed in 1999-2000. Since then, we have taken a technological leap to Web Based Training (WBT) and find that we need to upgrade our recommendations for computer specifications.

Last year we converted two CBT courses (Child Support Enforcement Orientation and Processing Interstate Cases/UIFSA) to WBT and are presently converting the four remaining CBTs: Paternity Establishment, Locate, Enforcement, and Distribution. For users, that means they will be able to access any of the courses on the National Electronic Child Support Resource System. (The four remaining courses should be available this Fall.)

The following represents the specifications to which each WBT course will be developed. WBT users must have access to the equipment meeting the specifications below in order to fully use the capabilities embedded in the training.

Minimum Requirements

IBM Compatible Pentium II, 366 MHz
Windows operating environment: WIN 95 requires 64mb Ram,
WIN 98 with 128 Ram

Hard drive:
4 Gb Monitor: Color, 15 inch

Multi-media Capability:
4 MB Video card - 8 MB Video card, CD ROM 6x, 12x Preferred1 Sound Card (SoundBlaster or compatible), speakers, headphones

World Wide Web Access:
28.8 modem, minimum

Internet Browser:
Netscape version 4.0 preferred (browser differences can impact view of training program), Internet Explorer version 5 or higher

States using Pentium computers can upgrade to the minimum specifications. Because of the rapid changes in technology, we are recommending that any procurement requests that you make exceed the minimum specifications listed above.
1Allows use of embedded, though nonessential, training program enhancements.

Replacement Procurement Recommendations

Computer: IBM Compatible Pentium III 500 MHz/ IBM Compatible Pentium IV 800 MHz

Windows Operating Environment: WIN 98/Win 2000

Hard drive: 7 - 14 Gb

Monitor: Color, 17 inch

Multi-media Capability: 8 - 16 MB Video card, 20-24x CD ROM, Sound Card (SoundBlaster or compatible), speakers, headphones

World Wide Web Access: 56K modem or Network Card (optional)

Internet Browser: Netscape 4.0 or higher

If you or your staff have questions regarding these specifications and/or recommendations, please contact Harry Jenkins, GS/USDA Project Manager at (202) 314-3456, harry; or Charlene Butler, OCSE National Training Center at (202) 401-5091,


Frank Fuentes
Acting Commissioner
Office of Child Support Enforcement

cc: ACF Hub Directors and Regional Administrators
ACF/CSE Regional Program Managers
ACF/CSE Regional Training Liaisons
CSE State Training Liaisons
National CSE Training Work Group

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