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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children


APR 19, 2001


RE: State Child Support Lien Contacts

Dear Colleague:

Attached is a matrix of State lien contacts, revised to reflect current information collected from the State IV-D agencies during April, 2001. We currently have a link from the Interstate Roster and Referral Guide (IRG) to this matrix. It may be accessed on the web at the following address:


The matrix is a quick reference of State and local resource persons who can assist you on liens; it also informs you of trigger criteria, filing locations, and fees charged in the states.

Should you have any questions or suggestions, or if the information for your jurisdiction changes, please contact Myles Schlank, Chief, Technical Assistance Branch. He may be reached at (202) 401-9329.


Frank Fuentes
Acting Commissioner
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc: ACF Hub Directors and Regional Administrators
Regional CSE Program Managers


The matrix as it appears on the web will be periodically updated with changes as they occur.

Matrix of State Lien Contacts

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