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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children



DATE: September 12, 2005


RE: FPLS Minor Release 05-02

Dear Colleague:

In September 2005, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) will implement Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) Release 05-02. This release includes enhancements to the Federal Case Registry (FCR), the Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet), and the Federal Offset System. These enhancements were developed to streamline locate response data and to improve services to families. The enhancements are in line with continuing efforts to promote automated use of FPLS data and to improve data quality. Similar to previous FPLS Releases, the September 2005 changes are deemed minor because implementation of the enhancements can be delayed until state planning and resources can accommodate the changes.

Federal Case Registry
There are six enhancements to the FCR. Note that two of these enhancements (1 and 5) will not be implemented in September 2005.

  1. Establish an Interface with the National Security Agency (NSA) as an Additional Locate Source for Child Support Agencies.
    This locate source will provide states with employment data for those NSA employees for whom information release is authorized. NSA by law is exempt from NDNH reporting requirements. Implementation of this FCR change will be delayed until the interface between OCSE and NSA is finalized. NSA has indicated that the data exchange will be implemented in 2006. An E-Flash will announce when the data match with NSA will begin. States should be prepared to accept those FPLS Locate response records when this occurs.

  2. Provide Consistency in Locate Response Codes.
    The FCR is being modified to return additional codes in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Locate Response Record. In the FCR Locate Response Records from the VA, the Locate Response Code field (positions 375-376) may contain new codes ‘28’ or ‘30’ for unavailable addresses. States that edit the Locate Response Code by Federal agency may be required to change edits to accept the new values for VA.

  3. Obtain and Return State Verification and Exchange System (SVES) Benefit Information for Children.
    States that are receiving SVES data will now have the option to send a Locate Request for a child and to receive SVES data in response. If a state wishes to receive SVES data through the FCR, the state must submit the SVES Data Election Form. To obtain SVES data for a child, the state must then submit a Locate Request using the child’s SSN and name information, indicating Social Security Administration (SSA) or ‘ALL’ as the Locate Source. In either case, the only source of data for “child locates” will be SSA Title II benefit information.

  4. Revise the Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM) Response Record to States for Consistency with the MSFIDM Response File.
    This change includes three modifications to the information that is sent to states on the MSFIDM Response Record. The proposed changes will improve quality of levies, ensure that the MSFIDM application is consistent with the MSFIDM handbook, and help to ensure that levies are routed to the appropriate person.

  5. Conduct Electronic Match for Medical Support Information Between the FCR and the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).
    This change will provide routine matching between the FCR and DMDC with electronic distribution of the match data to all states. The FCR will select open IV-D cases and send the DMDC a record consisting of an NCP and/or a CP and one child. At least one child must be present in the case for a match to occur. DMDC then will match the FCR participants against its records to determine whether the child is eligible for military medical benefits. DMDC will report the results to the FCR and the FCR will then transmit the information to the states. The actual reporting of DMDC matches to the states will commence no sooner than November 2005. A print program will be offered to states that are not able to incorporate the DMDC responses into their routine processing before the state begins receiving these records.

  6. Return Verification Codes on Additional Social Security Numbers.
    The FCR is being modified to store and return the verification status of additional SSNs in the FCR Person/Locate Request Acknowledgement Record. These additional codes will be placed in fields that were previously defined as filler

Child Support Enforcement Network
There are two enhancements to CSENet. Note that these enhancements will be implemented in conjunction with the next release. These enhancements are being announced now to ensure that states have adequate time to implement the necessary changes.

  1. Validate New-Case-ID Field Format and Require the New-Case-ID Field for the Managing State Cases – Provision/Response, Change Local Case ID Transaction.
    The New-Case-ID field will be required for this transaction (MSC P GSCAS) and the case ID will be validated for proper formatting. In addition, the Information data block will be required. Error codes and messages will be generated when these requirements are not met.

  2. Delete Obsolete Case-Closure Transactions.
    Delete the following obsolete case closure transactions: Managing State Cases – Provision/Response, Case Closure Reason Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 303.11(b)(1) (MSC P GSC01) and Managing State Cases – Provision/Response, Case Closure Reason CFR 303.11(b)(4) (MSC P GSC04). If either transaction is used, the originating state will receive an error code and message.

Federal Offset System
There are five enhancements to the Federal Offset System.

  1. Provide State Users with the Ability to Query Obligor Address File.
    This new screen will allow states to view obligor addresses stored for the states at the Federal level. The screen will display the following: obligor’s address(es), source of the obligor’s address, date the obligor’s address was created at OCSE, and date the obligor’s address was sent to the Financial Management Service (FMS).

  2. Provide State Users with the Ability to Query Pre-Offset Notice (PON) File .
    A new screen option will enable states whose PONs are printed by OCSE to view the information provided in the PON. The screen will display the following information: obligor’s name, obligor’s address, PON date, arrears owed at the time of the PON, local contact information, and certified case type.

  3. Enable States to Change the Status of a Multistate Financial Institution Data Match-Only Case in a Single Submission Cycle.
    This change will enable a state to use the Replace Exclusion ‘R’ transaction to change the status of a standard case to Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM)-Only status or back to a standard case from MSFIDM-Only status. This enhancement will allow states to complete the change using a one-step process. States can also continue to use the existing process, which requires a two-step action in order to change a standard case to a MSFIDM-Only or vice versa.

  4. Combine Current-Case Query and Multi-Year Case Query into a Single Query Screen.
    The Multi-Year Query Screen Option and the Current Year Query Screen Option on the Federal Offset Processing Menu will be merged into a single Case Master Query Screen Option. This will provide a single presentation of current and historical data. The implementation of a single presentation will simplify the process of retrieving query information for a case.

  5. Add Treasury Offset Program Trace Number to Collection and Adjustment Record.
    The Treasury Offset Program (TOP) Trace Number is a unique identifier that appears on the FMS Offset Notice when a tax or administrative offset has occurred. The TOP Trace Number also links offsets with any associated adjustments that may occur later. The TOP Trace Number will be added to records returned to states in the Collection and Adjustment files. This field will be placed in positions 227-236 (currently used as filler) of the record layout.

For a copy of the Release Manifest for the September 2005 Release 05-02, or for the detailed specifications regarding these modifications to the FCR, CSENet, and Federal Offset System, refer to the following OCSE website:

States may contact their state technical support (State TS) liaisons with any questions regarding the September 2005 enhancements, or to discuss programming enhancements that would enable state systems to effectively process the data and maximize data usage. For a listing of the state contacts and technical support liaisons refer to:

For questions regarding the enhancements to the Federal Offset System, contact Scott Hale at (202) 401-5745 or email

Sincerely, Margot Bean
Office of Child Support Enforcement

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