
  • Utility Rate Studies +

    For those communities and small utilities not being assisted under our federal or state contracts, CRG may be able to complete a utility rate study for your water and wastewater facility on a direct “fee for service” basis. CRG has over 30 years successful experience in conducting and completing water and wastewater utility rate analyses for small systems and communities. Our goal in completing rate studies is to help insure that every utility will be operated as a financially sustainable enterprise.In preparing a utility rate analysis, the staff of CRG will: 1. Collect and analyze historic financial and usage data. 2. Review current and future debt service, operational and capital improvement requirements. 3. Determine utility fixed and variable costs. 4. Establish target operating and debt coverage ratios. 5. Estimate current and future utility revenue requirements. 6. Develop and present alternative utility rate structures necessary to meet revenue requirements. 7. Propose equitable rate adjustments across all customer usage classifications. How much will a Rate Study Cost? Every water and wastewater utility is unique. The cost of a utility rate analysis will depend greatly on the size and financial complexity of the system. CRG can provide a cost estimate for a utility rate study report FREE of charge. For further information contact:Mark Rounsavall, CRG RCAP Director 479-443-2700, extension 125
  • Register for EPA Training +

    New training dates coming soon.
  • Websites for nonprofits +

    Website Services: Let us help you develop your website and teach you how to maintain the content on your own. For more, contact Bob Strickland at (479) 443-2700 ext. 118.
  • Loan Application +

    New Loan Terms CRG is excited to announce new terms for loans to water and wastewater systems. Some of the highlights are: Loans can now be made up to $500,000 for a maximum of 15 years. Interest rates have been lowered to 3.5% for 2 years or less and 4.9% for 10-year loans. 15-year loans will be priced at 5.9%.Loan origination fees have dropped to 1% of the loan amount with a $100 minimum. Some of our loans require a new rate study and we will now charge $750 for a new rate study, if needed to provide sufficient debt service for the amount requested As you can see this is a substantial reduction from our old rates and a significant expansion in the maximum term and dollar amount. We feel our rates are very competitive and our hope is to deploy a lot of new money during this fiscal year! At the present time we have several million dollars available to lend so we need some good loan applications. Please contact our Lending Department with any questions. Read More
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  • CDFI +

    CRG was certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) by the U.S. Department of the Treasury in 2001. We are a nonprofit lending institution, with over $16 million in assets. Our loans support our mission driven programs and are currently serving small rural community utility system needs and home Read More
  • RCAP +

    The Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) is a national network of 6 organizations that provide technical assistance to small community water and wastewater systems. CRG is the Southern Partner. Read More
  • Disaster Housing Certified Contractor +

    CRG is one of 2 nonprofit organizations certified by the Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council to build disaster replacement housing. Over 800 families will be served through this HUD funded initiative. Read More
  • Wealth Creation +

    Building rural wealth and keeping it local. CRG is one of 3 Ford Foundation grantees exploring wealth creation in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. CRG facilitates and encourages regional thinking and use of the Wealth Creation framework and tools to help create an affordable housing delivery system that provides Read More
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