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Point Reyes National SeashoreBear Valley Visitor Center
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Point Reyes National Seashore

Oral History Program
The Point Reyes National Seashore museum collection currently holds over forty interviews compiled by the park historian between 1985-1994. The recordings preserve the first-hand knowledge, memories and ideas of people involved in generations of dairy and cattle ranching, oyster farming, and fishing in the area. Other interviewees speak of Coast Miwok culture, the search for Sir Francis Drake’s landing site, service at the Coast Guard station at Point Reyes, and Morse code radio operations at the historic Marconi/RCA radio stations.

Currently, the museum is developing a program to continue collecting and expanding the scope and uses of it’s oral history collection. A recent survey conducted by the Seashore yielded an expanded list of oral history programs and collections in Marin relevant to the history of the land and the development of the park. For further information about the oral history collection or program development contact the museum archivist, Carola DeRooy at 415-464-5125 or by e-mail.

Links to other oral history collections about West Marin history, culture, and commerce.
The Bolinas Museum
Tomales Regional History Project
Marin County Free Libraries
Marin County Historical Society & Museum
Anne T. Kent California History Room
Marin Agricultural Land Trust

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Waves crashing on rocks during a storm.  

Did You Know?
A 1-foot sea level rise can lead to shorelines eroding back 100 feet, and increase the chances of a 100-year flood event in low coastal areas to once every 10 years.

Last Updated: July 25, 2006 at 00:22 EST