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State Frequency Report Utility

AFCARS Frequency Report Utility Files

AFCARS State Frequency Report Utility

The frequency utility filenames are:

  • xfreq_n.exe (executable)
  • county_names (listing of valid 5 digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) county codes)
  • elements_race (listing of AFCARS data elements)

Installing the Software

Download the self-extracting file Frequency Report Utility to a folder on a PC.

The "county_names," "elements_race" and an AFCARS data file must be located in the same directory as the executable file, "xfreq_n.exe," in order for the frequency utility to work properly.

The utility program may be executed by using one of the two methods described below:

Windows Explorer

  1. Click on the "Start" button on the desktop window and select "Programs."
  2. Select "Windows Explorer" from the "Programs" list.
  3. Select the drive name where the executable file has been loaded (i.e.: C:).
  4. Select the appropriate directory name (i.e.:, AFCARS).
  5. Select the executable file name (i.e. xfrq_n.exe).
  6. Double click to execute the utility.

Windows Run Function

  1. Press the "Start" button located on the desktop window and select "Run."
  2. Select the "Browse" button within the "Run" box.
  3. Locate and select the drive and executable file name for the utility (i.e.: C:\AFCARS\xfrq_n.exe).
  4. Click on the OK button once the executable file name appears in the run box.

Once the executable file has been initiated, the program will request the user to enter three file names:

  • Input data file: The AFCARS data file name. Type in the name of the data file and press Enter.
  • Output Foster Care frequency report file. The foster care frequency report file name. Type in the name for the foster care frequency report file and press Enter.
  • Output Adoption frequency report file. The adoption frequency report file name. Type in the name for the adoption frequency report file name and press Enter.

The name of the output frequency report files for foster care and adoption cannot exceed 20 characters. Spaces cannot be used in the file names of the input and output files.

The executable file will read the input AFCARS data file and generate the Foster Care and Adoption frequency report file. It is important that the input AFCARS data file is created using the format as stated in AFCARS Technical Bulletin #2: File Format, revised March 2000.

The frequency report file may be viewed using a text editor or a word processing tool, such as WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. A non-scaleable font, Courier 12 CPI, is recommended to print the reports, so that the columns are correctly aligned, making it easier to read.