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New DRMO office opens at TQ 

CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq – Camp Taqaddum officials opened the TQ Property Disposal Office today, to better serve the disposal needs of service members in the area of operations.

 The expeditionary Defense Reutilizing and Marketing Office is set up as a satellite facility to help reutilize and market service members’ used, damaged or excess equipment.

 “Our number one goal is to take unserviceable equipment and release you of that,” said Chief Petty Officer Carol J. Frazee, the expeditious defense reutilization team leader from Newark, Ohio.

 The office was set up with help from the 1st Marine Logistics Group, who provided people and resources to get the program started.

 “It was done leaving a very small foot print,” said Col. Gary D. West, the commander of Defense Logistics Agency Support Team Iraq from Hegins, Penn.

 The expeditious nature of the office will allow unnecessary equipment to be moved out of the country to make way for the Iraqi government to take over.

 “It’s the best dump I’ve ever seen,” said Brig. Gen. Robert R. Ruark, commanding general for 1st MLG. “It will help us redeploy from Iraq.”


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CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq -CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq – Col. Gary D. West, the commander of Defense Logistics Agency, Iraq, thanks the 1st Marine Logistics Group for their support of the Camp Taqaddum Property Disposal Office during the building’s opening, Sept. 6. The TQ PDO provides receipt of equipment for units in the vicinity of Taqaddum, Ramadi, and Fallujah. The office is a significant development because it will allow service members to properly get rid of their excess or broken equipment and help reduce their footprint in Iraq. (Photo by Cpl. Tyler B. Barstow), Cpl. Tyler B. Barstow, 9/6/2008 8:14 AM
CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq -CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq (September 6, 2008) – Service members at Camp Taqaddum came together to celebrate the opening of the new TQ Property Disposal Office, Sept. 6. The TQ PDO provides receipt of equipment for units in the vicinity of Taqaddum, Ramadi, and Fallujah. The office is a significant development because it will allow service members to properly get rid of their excess or broken equipment and help reduce their footprint in Iraq. (Photo by Cpl. Tyler B. Barstow), Cpl. Tyler B. Barstow, 9/6/2008 8:27 AM
CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq -CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq (September 6, 2008) – Service members at Camp Taqaddum came together to celebrate the opening of the new TQ Property Disposal Office, Sept. 6. The TQ PDO provides receipt of equipment for units in the vicinity of Taqaddum, Ramadi, and Fallujah. The office is a significant development because it will allow service members to properly get rid of their excess or broken equipment and help reduce their footprint in Iraq. (Photo by Cpl. Tyler B. Barstow), Cpl. Tyler B. Barstow, 9/6/2008 8:15 AM
CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq -CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq (September 6, 2008) – Col. Gary D. West, the commander of Defense Logistics Agency, Iraq, thanks the 1st Marine Logistics Group for their support of the Camp Taqaddum Property Disposal Office during the building’s opening, Sept. 6. The TQ PDO provides receipt of equipment for units in the vicinity of Taqaddum, Ramadi, and Fallujah. The office is a significant development because it will allow service members to properly get rid of their excess or broken equipment and help reduce their footprint in Iraq. (Photo by Cpl. Tyler B. Barstow), Cpl. Tyler B. Barstow, 9/6/2008 8:14 AM