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Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
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Engineering Knowledge Online (EKO®) Portal

The Engineering Knowledge Online (EKO®) Portal is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Installation Support (IS) Community of Practice (CoP) portal, serving the Army engineering community.
Acquisition, Planning, and Design - Building Systems
Acquisition, Planning, and Design - Facility Design and Engineering
Acquisition, Planning, and Design - Other
Installation Operations - Industrial Processes
Installation Operations - Other
Installation Operations - O&M Management Systems
Installation Operations - Environmental Stewardship
Military Ranges and Lands - Conservation and Natural Resources
Military Ranges and Lands - Plant and Soil Management
Military Ranges and Lands - Other
Acquisition, Planning, and Design - Civil Works Systems

  • Team and organization calendars
  • Document management with version history
  • Group authoring
  • Forum discussion
  • Image databases
  • Project status database
  • Issue tracking

  • Web-site content managed by those responsible for the content, not by one or a few Webmasters
  • New content is added in logical steps using a Submit Item Wizard
  • Users designated as administrators can modify, delete, copy, move, categorize and archive items such as documents, link, photos, contacts, etc.
  • Administrators can define workflow for approving submitted items
  • Any item can be related to one or more other items, making it easy to cross-reference information
  • Registered users can opt to receive daily, weekly or monthly newsletters via email with links to new and updated content
  • Users can search full-text in up to 250,000 documents within the EKO® Portal

  • The EKO® Portal uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, so data transferred is encrypted
  • The EKO® Portal uses Army Knowledge Online (AKO) Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication, so users login with their AKO user name and password to view sensitive information and participate in project delivery team (PDT) activities
  • Public and private information may be viewed on the same page, depending upon each user's access rights

  • Helps foster Army communities of practice (CoPs) by serving as a Web portal for sharing knowledge
  • Public and secure pages and content are easily hosted in the same application
  • Web-development expertise is not required to manage pages and content
  • Project teams are able to reduce product or service delivery times using EKO® Portal collaboration capabilities such as shared calendars, discussion forums, group authoring, document workflow, and task tracking

Public content on the EKO® Portal is viewed daily by the general public and the Army engineering community.

Army communities of practice (CoPs) and project delivery teams (PDTs) also use the EKO® Portal daily to collaborate and conduct mission-critical activities.

EKO® Portal usage data as of July 2007:
  • Over 6,845 registered users
  • Hosted more than 1,550 pages of content
  • Supported 24 of the 25 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' formal Communities of Practice (CoPs)
  • Had approximately 76,000 to 100,000 page visits per month