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Department ofVertebrate Zoology

Division of Mammals

Tarsius bancanus
bar Don Wilson
    Don E. Wilson
    Department Chair, Vertebrate Zoology Curator

  • Phone: (202)633-1265
  • Fax: (202)786-2979
  • E-mail: wilsond[at]

  • Mailing Address:
    Smithsonian Institution
    PO Box 37012, MRC 108
    Washington, DC 20013-7012

  • Shipping Address:
    Smithsonian Institution
    National Museum of Natural History
    1000 Constitution Ave, NW
    Washington, DC 20004


Ph.D.: University of New Mexico, 1970
M.S.: University of New Mexico, 1967
B.S.: University of Arizona, 1965

Research Interests

Continues with a variety of book projects. With Sue Ruff, Don is editing a Handbook of Mammals of the World. The first volume will be on carnivores, and they have the initial chapter, on Felids, in hand. Erika Sampaio, Elisabeth Kalko, and Don are working on a book on Bats of the Amazon. He and Bob Hoffmann are working with several collaborators on a book on the Mammals of China. Don continues to work with Kris Helgen, a former Summer Research Program participant and Post-doctoral Fellow, on a variety of projects on mammalian evolution and systematics.

Recent Publications

Oprea, M. and Wilson, D.E. 2008. Chiroderma doriae, Mammalian Species, 816(1):1-7

Helgen, K.M., Maldonado, J.E., Wilson, D.E. and Buckner, S.D. 2008. Molecular Confirmation of the Origin and Invasive Status of West Indian Raccoons, Journal of Mammalogy, 89(2):282-291

Wilson, D.E. 2008. The Mammals of Costa Rica, Journal of Mammalogy, 89(1):256-256

Wilson, D.E. 2008. "Order Chiroptera". Pp. 327-387 in Mammals of China (Smith, A.T. and Xie, Y.). Princeton University Press

Wilson, D.E. 2007. "Foreword". Pp. 14-17 in Neotropical Tent-roosting Bats (Rodríguez-Herrera, B., Medellin, R.A. and Timm, R.M.). INBIO

Wilson, D.E. 2007. "Prologo". Pp. 2 in Mamiferos del Ecuador (Tirira, D.). Ediciones Murcielago Blanco

Wilson, D.E. 2007. Illuminating Secret Shadows, Zoogoer, 36(5):8-15

Reeder, D.M., Helgen, K.M. and Wilson, D.E. 2007. Global Trends and Biases in New Mammal Species Discoveries, Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University, (269):1-35

Wilson, D.E. 2007. "Genus Myotis Kaup 1829". Pp. 468-481 in Mammals of South America (Gardner, A.L.). University of Chicago Press

Wilson, D.E. 2007. "Family Thyropteridae Miller 1907". Pp. 392-396 in Mammals of South America (Gardner, A.L.). University of Chicago Press

Wilson, D.E., Helgen, K.M. and Chin Sing Yun. 2007. "Rapid assessment of small mammal biodiversity". Pp. 107-122 in Proceedings of the Regional Conference of Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Planted Forests in Southeast Asia (Stuebing, R., Unggang, J., Ferner, J., Giman, B. and Ping, K.K.). Forestry Department, Sarawak Forestry Corporation, Grand Perfect

Wilson, D.E. 2006. "Introduction". Pp. 4 in Whales (Simon, S.). Collins

Arroyo-Cabrales, J. and Wilson, D.E. 2006. Bats of Puerto Rico, Acta Chiropterologica, 8(1):275-276

Helgen, K.M. and Wilson, D.E. 2006. "Order Eulipotyphla". Pp. 357-377 in Atlas of Mammalian Chromosomes (O'Brien, S.J., Menninger, J.C. and Nash, W.G.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Wilson, D.E., Helgen, K.M., Chin, S.Y. and Giman, B. 2006. Results of small mammal surveys at two sites in planted forest zones, Bintulu, Sarawak, Malayan Nature Journal, 59:165-187

Cole, F.R. and Wilson, D.E. 2006. Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Mammalian Species, (797):1-7

Cole, F.R. and Wilson, D.E. 2006. Leptonycteris curasoae, Mammalian Species, (796):1-3

Rodríguez-Herrera, B., Wilson, D.E., Fernandez, M. and Pineda, W. 2005. La Mastozoologia en Costa Rica: historia, recollecta, localidades, y composicion de especies, Brenesia, 63-64:89-112

Wilson, D.E. and Reeder, D.M.2005. Mammal Species of the world, Third Edition. Johns Hopkins University Press

Wilson, D.E. 2005. "Bats to Biodiversity: Spyder had a pretty good ride". Pp. 217-233 in Going Afield - Lifetime experiences in the exploration, science, and the biology of Mammals (Phillips, C.J. and Jones, C.). Museum of Texas Tech University

Wilson, D.E. 2005. "Myotis findleyi". Pp. 285-286 in Los Mamiferos silvestres de Mexico (Ceballos, G. and Oliva, G.). Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Mexico

Wilson, D.E. 2005. "Myotis carteri". Pp. 281-282 in Los Mamiferos silvestres de Mexico (Ceballos, G. and Oliva, G.). Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Mexico

Wilson, D.E. 2005. "Myotis nigricans". Pp. 288 in Los Mamiferos silvestres de Mexico (Ceballos, G. and Oliva, G.). Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Mexico

Wilson, D.E. 2005. "Peromyscus madrensis". Pp. 747 in Los Mamiferos silvestres de Mexico (Ceballos, G. and Oliva, G.). Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Mexico

Helgen, K.M. and Wilson, D.E. 2005. "A systematic and zoogeographic overview of the raccoons of Mexico and Central America". Pp. 219-234 in Contribuciones Mastozoologicas en homenaje a Bernardo Villa (Sanchez-Cordero, V. and Medellín, R.A.). Instituto de Biologia e Instituto de Ecologia, UNAM

Quinn, A. and Wilson, D.E. 2005. The Last Tasmanian Tiger: The history of extinction of the Thylacine, Journal of Mammalogy, 86(3):639

Quinn, A. and Wilson, D.E. 2005. Tasmanian Tiger:The tragic tale of how the wold lost its most mysterious predator, Journal of Mammalogy, 86(3):639-640

Shapley, R.L., Wilson, D.E., Warren, A.N. and Barnett, A.A. 2005. Bats of the Potaro Plateau region, western Guyana, Mammalia, 69(3-4):375-394

Complete List of Wilson's Publications and Downloadable PDFs

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